Vintage (80sish) burgundy crinkly cotton maxi-skirt (new with tags), and sage green cropped blouse. The blouse has a patchwork of the fabric, with different patterns of embroidery on each panel. I also wore some black leather skimmers. There's my little green purse again.
I have now been awake for 29 hours, and am getting my second wind. Ugh. Hypo mania, here I come. Well, I see the Dr. in literally a week. You probably cannot have failed to notice that my shopping is somewhat compulsive. It is like some kind of emotional compromise I have made with myself about spending when I am "high," it is okay to buy a lot of things, if I don't pay a lot over all. This can actually still get me into trouble, but would be more of an issue if I were shopping for clothes in the mall. I used to shop for a lot of my clothes on eBay, and this is even less expensive. Hey, cannabis is expensive, we save where we can. Uh, right, I am an AWESOME saver.
Anyway, I put all this energy to good use this morning. DH overslept, and I took him into work, since I was awake anyway. Then I decided to try a Salvation Army, and went to the main San Jose branch. When I first walked in, it did NOT look promising, but it was absolutely enormous. I decided not to even look at skirts, pants or shorts, and focus solely on tops. While I was looking, the manager of the store announced that they were clearing out inventory, and you would get one item of equal or lesser price for free with another item.
One thing I noticed right away was that they weren't as picky about what they put on the floor as Goodwill. They leave it up to you to find any tears or stains, although in my opinion, they pretty much pointedly marked things down with defects. I realized I had really honed my technique, I can get through a lot of clothes fast, and know what spots to look at quickly for wear and tear. If I have any hesitation over it, I don't pull it. There is plenty there to try on, I shouldn't waste time on stuff I already don't really like, or that might be too tired.
The cool thing was when I checked out, they used the highest priced item, and the next highest priced item as the free item, it wasn't like they chose the lowest half of the prices. So I got 8 pieces of clothing, for $29.94. Good lord, I scare myself, I remind myself of my grandmother. But she would buy things on sale JUST because they were on sale. She once bought 50 house coats, because, "They were just $2 each!" Of course, neither she nor anyone she knew actually wore house coats. There is a horrific throw back, do you remember house coats?
So, this is one of those horrific lists of things I bought. I am such a spoiled housewife, but at least I know it. I moved the date up for my first class, so that will actually be the weekend after this one. Oops, I better make a hotel reservation.... But anyway, it is the worst kind of consumption, but at least it is "re-using and recycling," and it really is not expensive.
I was heavy on the red spectrum and the sweaters and jackets. I have to go through my shirts, some of them have holes in them from dog teeth, and that sort of thing, I may need a couple more dressy tops, but other than that, I really am set for the fall and winter.
Burgundy-ish crochet short sleeved cardigan, the sleeves are kind of like longer flutter sleeves. I think the brand is not a very good one, White Stag; that could be a Wal-mart front, but I figure they aren't getting the money.

Sky blue sweater vest, it looks handmade. It is open down the sides almost to the waist band:

I am beginning to have a little trouble switching back and forth between windows, especially as I have Flickr open in Firefox, and this open in Safari, since I have two separate gmail accounts, one signed in on each browser. So I could stop this post at some point.
Black cotton cable knit sweater with rolled collar. Sorry about the glare, it was 90 today:

Red asymmetrical linen-blend tunic with wood buttons, can be worn alone or over something:

The glare made this blouse very hard to see: It is a metallic red blouse, with back and gold threads through it. But while shimmery, it would be appropriate for an office, Not that I am likely to wear it to an office, that is more likely for dressing up for me. Fabric covered buttons, which I always really like:

You can see red is definitely a theme here. A red wool blazer, it skims over my body pretty well, which is what I need clothes to do. Another woman shopping next to me actually insisted I buy it. Har. I forget what shape this is called, but I wore this shape a lot when I was practicing law, so for some reason, it must be a good cut on me.

I love this, I have to think of how I will use it though. Hot pink linen Ralph Lauren box-y blazer, it hits me at just below the hip, which is a good place for me.

This picture doesn't really do a fair job of showing this next jacket off. It has a really nice look to the fabric, kind of pseudo-suede-y. It is actually the nicest piece I bought, but it looks washed out in the photo. This is a deep red cropped jacket. I can wear this with a zillion things. Red can be a great neutral, I have learned.

There! I think that is it for this trip! I actually have a few things to show you from last week, but I actually am getting pooped, and I can't look a gift foot in the mouth, or something.
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