So while I do plan to get back to my Lush life posts, I did sort of want to make an effort to chronicle what I wear. Both as an exercise in persistence, and maybe to help me learn how to "see" myself in clothes. So these are not examples of any real fashion sense, although it would be interesting if I could use a blog to develop one.
I forgot to mention that Thursday, I bit the bullet, and bought some Wacoal bras. Sure, they look like they could shield my tits from heavy ordinance, but they are COMFORTABLE! And for that much money, they damn well fucking better be. I just bought two, figuring I would get sized at the Famous Lingerie shop, and then order them from less expensive places. Well, I cannot find anyplace that sells them for less (in fact, even the few dollar difference in the styles I got are matched). Going to Nordstroms to get fitted for the bras was what gave me the excuse to bop over to Lush again, by the by.
Saturday, we hung out at home. in the early afternoon, I decided to hit the Goodwill on De Anza. I actually wore the blue capris again, because they were good for one more wear, and I didn't want to wear them somewhere nice. I also wore a slightly rumpled Nine West black tunic, with embossing down the arms and front, and a lace up neck. I didn't feel I needed to look my very freshest for staff of Goodwill. I'm a bitch, but I am also one of the better dressed customers.

Oh, why do I attract sad, lonely, little old ladies? I say something polite to them, and suddenly it as if I have found a stray. I don't want to discourage them from talking to me, I understand why they do it. But I don't know what to say. I guess by just talking, that is enough. I usually can think of a reason to break things off eventually.
At the De Anza Goodwill, I got some Coldwater Creek straight leg jeans (a brand cut well for me), a really cute makeup box (to be displayed on a post soon). Also, some very minimialist gladiator sandals, and a really cute pair of autumnal earrings:

we decided to go out for dinner at Yuki Sushi. This is a lovely Japanese restaurant two miles away, which serves fusion rolls for our gaijin palates, but is always crammed with native Japanese families. I think this was the 4th time we have been there in a year, which is a lot for us. So I wore my new Coldwater Creek jeans, and the black version of the Nine West tunic (I tend to buy shirts I like in more than one color). I wore my "gypsy" necklace, which has brass stars and coins, and my new earrings. Also, my minimalist gladiators.
Another item I have really fallen in love with lately are kanzashi, which are japanese hair ornaments of stiffly starched and folded fabric: Here are one of each pair of mine, and I do plan to get a pair or two more from where I bought these, at Eni-thing:

So I felt very pulled together on Saturday, freshly showered, hair as "done" as I do it. I even wore foundation and eye makeup. We had really great sushi. And by the time I got home, I had a migraine. UUGGHH!
So that pretty much took care of Sunday.
It is very late Wednesday, and I would like to try to work on going to bed. I still have to tell you about what I wore Monday and Tuesday, and my failure to engage at the Goodwill in Santa Clara Tuesday.
As I said, the bad news is I am not sleeping. Although I only slept 4 hours after being awake for 24, 10 hours has passed since I woke, and I am not tired.
Well, I keep raising topics for new posts. If I continue to do this, I am going to have to write blog task lists. Still, better to have too much to write about, than not enough.
I will leave you with my jammies. It has cooled off here quite abruptly.

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