So I am behind in what I wore. Also behind in what I have purchased. This is going to be a photo dump. But last weekend I was so busy with class, I was zonked when I got home. This week, I had so many headaches, I didn't even dress Wednesday. Then yesterday, I am certain I took a picture, because I keep taking them until they are almost in focus (har) and I saw the picture. I must have deleted it by accident, but I know I will wear that outfit again, because it was easy and it matched.
Monday, I had the headache I had managed to put off during the weekend. Saturday and Sunday, I did have to pop a couple of Imitrex, but survived. I am wearing the "Yes on Prop 19" t shirt I bought at the bookstore at Oaksterdam U. Awful jeans, they are going into the Goodwill bag, I think they are Target. And suede Doc Martens MJs.
Tuesday I felt better, and of course, that meant shopping. Goodwill this time, and I picked out a great deal of stuff for $31 and change. My spending still sucks, because I am no longer limiting it to Goodwill, though. :(
The top is NY & Co., a turquoise empire top that is distorted by my hips. The fabric has a kind of gather all over it, you can kind of see it. Textured fabric is supposed to de-emphasize a lack of waist, and I have to admit, it almost looks like I have a waist in this picture. The skirt is Costco, and I keep almost giving it away. But it is like a pair of jeans. I see it hits my legs in a horrible spot, so into the Goodwill bag it goes. The shoes are some black penny loafer mules. The hairband was some excessive shopping I did in beauty supply store.
I got that headband in black and ivory. It has an embossed fabric overlay, and a flower pouf-thing. I am into flowers and pouf at the moment. I also got a pretty claw clip (it doesn't have that butterfly hinge that is so awful), and a fuzzy ponytail holder. Then I bought what I actually went in there for: One of those dye wands for touching up your roots, and a waxing kit. The wand works pretty well, but it is a little more work than I expected. It lasts between washes, you can get it wet, but not soapy. The waxing kit I was going to try tonight, but decided against pulling hair out of my face while I had a headache. I still have a mask to do tonight, I am girly-girling out. BUT, my skin has been beyond fantastic. In fact, I haven't touched the spot zit treatment in days.
I am nervous about the waxing kit. I have an eyebrow pencil just in case.
Okay, so Wednesday, I was punished for my profligacy (Goodwill finds are coming up). I was so sick, it was one of the all day ones, where you basically writhe because there is no escape in any position, or with any home remedy. So no picture.
Thursday I didn't feel great, but I had to get to the supermarket to pick up our meds, DH was about to totally run out. You've seen that shirt before, in a variety of colors. I wore the black one on Friday. I look like shit in general, and those are the same awful jeans. That is an old Target purse, and the shoes are pink and white mules, also from Target.
Yesterday, I wore new black knit pants I got Tuesday. They are knit, but structured (they zip up the side), so they look like nice pants, not my usual knits. The black shirt version of the pink-y shirt above, and a red Ann Taylor sweater coat (not the full length time). It is one of my favorite pieces of clothing, although to be honest, it is over-sized. I like how it looks though. I wore a pair of black skimmers (how many pair of black shoes do I own?). I wore my black hairband, and the necklace I had purchased at Eni-thing, which matched earrings I had purchased a month or so ago.
Today was an awful day. DH had a seizure, I woke up with a vomit inducing migraine, and the gardeners were here, so Violet was shrieking all day. After throwing up a few times, I remembered I had just gotten Imitrex shots on Thursday, so I took one of those. I also used a very strong Indica, "Burgundy Goo," which helped me eat something, and took away another layer of pain.
I have spent the day in pajamas, although I ran out to talk to a GOTV guy. Violet was going insane, and I said, "Violet, be nice, he's a Democrat," and he laughed. I am voting straight Dem as always. I used to split my vote, but no more.
So now we are going into one of my purchase lists, so hang on. These boots are the highest heel I can wear, but the stacked heel saves me. Ironically, I couldn't have worn them before my surgery, because my left foot was too mis-shapen.
They are definitely special occasion only.
This top is navy, and is super cute. It can be layered, and looks really cute with jeans and boots (I have a lot of boots, at the moment):
As much as you can say I am need of a particular type of clothing, blouses are it.
I used this purse Friday night when DH and I went out to eat.
This is a really cute, compact purse, I think the boa trim is visible in this pic. Again, more of a dress item.
I bought this lamp and lampshade separately. The base is actually off-white, and I am still deciding whether to pain the metal part. It is kind of incongruous, but our bed frame was jerry-rigged, we have an Eames era wrought iron bed, which is not standard size. It has a bit of an industrial look: We bolted it together, planning to paint the bolts black, but decided we liked the contrast.
So six items for $30 is not the best bargain I have knocked out, but the boots were over a third of that. The lamp was $2 total.
So that is what I bought on Tuesday.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Crazy with a Conscious
Once, a little over 10 years ago, we received a catalog (we still shopped with catalogs in the 20th century). It was kind of a yuppy faux-eco clothing catalog. This was just at the start of Green being equated with being "hip."
One of the items they sold was cashmere sweaters. But these sweaters were special: The animals (and even the herd's people!) were treated extra super-duper carefully, and fed delicious things. We could feel good about wearing these cashmere sweaters, they were grown on such happy, healthy, ecologically sound goats. Scrawled across the page of the magazine, in huge, italic type, was "Sweaters with a conscious...." Once we picked ourselves up off the floor, we went around begging friends and neighbors for their copies of the catalogs, so we could each have a copy, and distribute them to a few key friends.
What led me to reminiscing about this story is a pretty good example of manic thought processes, so let's see if I can write my day out, so you can see what a disordered/disorganized thought process looks like.
Last night, I decided to record a three part series on a subject, that while often discussed on my blog and various places where I go by my real name, is still controversial. I am sure you can guess what about. I already recorded the three part series, a mini-course on medical cannabis for patients, and blue-toothed them over to my computer. I spent all morning working on them, arranging materials, thinking through what I was going to say, running rough dress rehearsals. I even changed my clothes, and made my hair look reasonably nice (one more day, tomorrow it needs to be washed). I had also looked over the third segment, and decided it needed to be redone, and started pondering what I felt could be improved upon.
I had awoken with a migraine, but that is almost par for the course these days, and this was SUCH A VERY GOOD IDEA! It pushed the pain into the background. In the first part, I discuss what medical cannabis is, why I use it, and how to go about getting a recommendation (nothing illegal). I also go over civil rights, going over a few different scenarios where knowing your rights is important. I even almost manage to hide my name while demonstrating what different documents looked like. Almost.
Not that it is would be hard to trace it back to me, the real person: Those of you coming from Facebook and Twitter either know me, or are following me because I use medical cannabis. And anyone randomly coming across the blog wouldn't be able to identify me without at least affirmatively searching. Plus, all my in laws are blocked on every social network to which I belong (nice, I know. I never said I was a sweet person).
Now, the second video goes over methods of ingestion. Yes, with full on display of paraphernalia. One accumulates a great deal of it when one has consumed cannabis for over two-thirds of her life (oh, yes). I actually demonstrate one type. Yes, with the real medication.
The third segment was showing different types of cannabis, some I have, some I have containers from when I had last had it, so I could explain types I didn't happen to have. And of course, the real stuff. Several strains, and some hash. All on tape.
I was excited about it. I planned to put it up right away, but decided to wait until tonight. I'd wait until DH went to sleep.
Then the duvet from Nordstrom, the one about which I had been so excited, arrived. I opened the first box, which was one of the shams. It was so beautiful! I excitedly opened the other box, but wait a second: That wasn't the duvet I ordered, was it? I hurried back to the bookmarked site. SHIT! What I had thought was the duvet was a coverlet, and I had assumed the actual duvet was a set of sheets; it was SO different than the shams and coverlet. I didn't even really like this duvet. Plus, it is ivory. I have a stinky little dog, who has light brown hair. We had already eliminated black as an option, just at the thought of her fur woven through each stitch of fabric. This would show dirt as well. I was back to square one, plus I was 100% in love with the shams. Shams! Who would think?
Now I had to have something as close to what I had expected as possible. Those shams, I wanted those shams. I started doing frantic google searches. I got angry, then furious. I was so angry at that stupid duvet, I felt personally affronted by it. Now I was too upset to re-tape the third part of my series, and my head was killing me, all the "pain relief" of focusing on my narration was gone. I had to go lie down, the continuity of the series was going to be totally fucked up. Maybe I should start the whole thing over tomorrow? I went to take a nap for a few hours.
DH called, and told me someone had been hit by a train, so he didn't know when he would be getting in. As morbid as that is, it gave me time to calm down. I woke up completely, and realized my head felt much better. Maybe I could tape the last part over after DH went to bed. I started to actually dress up, he had said at lunchtime that he would love to go out for dinner, if my head cleared up.
....DH wouldn't like that I was going to broadcast this at all, so better to tape it when he was out, or asleep, and post it, and never let him see it....
That was kind of weird. I don't really keep things secret from DH. Yes, I am hesitant about keeping him up to date about my spending, but frankly, he looks at our bank account every day, he sees what is going out (hence his recent expression of displeasure). I pushed my concern to the back of my mind, but it did niggle.
DH came home, and we spent about hour giggling and hanging out. I was having "outbursts" of silly, but also weirdly hostile. I genuinely thought I was joking as the words flew out of my mouth, but once they were out, I would think, "Geez, that was mean!" And I would apologize. But DH thought I was a laff-riot. Still, I felt uncomfortable, it was as if a filter were gone. I might still have made those jokes if I weren't all at sixes and sevens emotionally, but I would have had the extra two seconds to think about what was about to come barreling out of my mouth, and stop it, if I thought it was unwise.
Those of you who know DH knows he has a very bizarre sense of humor. I am lucky.
We went to dinner at an Italian restaurant as close to around the corner as you can get with a Jersey barrier down the center of our major thoroughfare. We had never been before, but Yelp said really good things pretty consistently. It was so close I couldn't believe we hadn't tried it, although I am picky about Italian. Amilia's is a lovely mid-range Italian restaurant, that also sells a rather extensive list of more American-style sandwiches.
We wanted wine with dinner, so we shared a platter of bruschetta to start. Now the reviews of their bruschetta had been raves, and I had thought, "Really? Bruschetta?" I mean, I have eaten a great deal of bruschetta in my day, inside Italy and out. But holy shit, this may have been some of the best bruschetta I have ever eaten! Nomnomnom. Then I had a chicken penne dish with a cream sauce, spinach, mushrooms, fresh tomato, crisp pancetta, cubes of chicken breast, and perfect al dente pasta. I was shocked at how good it was. DH had Chicken Parm, and was also very pleased. We each had a glass of Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc, from New Zealand. DH ate all his chicken, but couldn't eat the side of fettucine, or all his veggies. I got through less than half of mine, but brought it home. A yummy lunch (or more evilly, perhaps, a yummy midnight snack. Hell, a midnight gorge, there is a lot).
We came home, happy and full, and chattering away. DH was happy, because he could tell he was going to get lucky. I was happy because for once a migraine hadn't ruined a weekend evening out, for the first time in at least a month. Thing went as DH hoped. But I had a lot of trouble concentrating, and staying focused (you might not think that could even be an issue, but my mind is going a million miles an hour). It was actually somewhere mid-fuck (sorry) that I began to really start to think about what I was planning on posting on the Internet.
But it was informative and instructive! Everything I did was legal under California law, and de facto legal under Obama's administration! I want to be a cannabis activist! I have committed felonies on behalf of causes before (syringe exchange was a felony, can you believe it?)!
But this was all pre-Internet. Not to mention pre-DH. There is someone else to take into consideration.
No Fair. Why do I have to change my approach?
Wait a second. Haven't I been saying I am labile and manic? I have been cleaning a lot, but today I was so busy taping, I didn't get any cleaning done. In other words, I was still in a frenzy, it just didn't happen to involve cleaning.
And isn't one the classic symptoms of mania lack of self-awareness? Maybe I am being a little hasty. I can always post new, better, videos when I am feeling better, right? I am too embarrassed now to even run the idea by DH. I know it is the mania. This is mania, not hypo-mania. I don't know what to do.
So my conscious kicked in. Cashmere goats may be raised so you can wear a sweater in good conscience, but what really matters is I got my self-consciousness back.
Even crazy people can be conscious.
One of the items they sold was cashmere sweaters. But these sweaters were special: The animals (and even the herd's people!) were treated extra super-duper carefully, and fed delicious things. We could feel good about wearing these cashmere sweaters, they were grown on such happy, healthy, ecologically sound goats. Scrawled across the page of the magazine, in huge, italic type, was "Sweaters with a conscious...." Once we picked ourselves up off the floor, we went around begging friends and neighbors for their copies of the catalogs, so we could each have a copy, and distribute them to a few key friends.
What led me to reminiscing about this story is a pretty good example of manic thought processes, so let's see if I can write my day out, so you can see what a disordered/disorganized thought process looks like.
Last night, I decided to record a three part series on a subject, that while often discussed on my blog and various places where I go by my real name, is still controversial. I am sure you can guess what about. I already recorded the three part series, a mini-course on medical cannabis for patients, and blue-toothed them over to my computer. I spent all morning working on them, arranging materials, thinking through what I was going to say, running rough dress rehearsals. I even changed my clothes, and made my hair look reasonably nice (one more day, tomorrow it needs to be washed). I had also looked over the third segment, and decided it needed to be redone, and started pondering what I felt could be improved upon.
I had awoken with a migraine, but that is almost par for the course these days, and this was SUCH A VERY GOOD IDEA! It pushed the pain into the background. In the first part, I discuss what medical cannabis is, why I use it, and how to go about getting a recommendation (nothing illegal). I also go over civil rights, going over a few different scenarios where knowing your rights is important. I even almost manage to hide my name while demonstrating what different documents looked like. Almost.
Not that it is would be hard to trace it back to me, the real person: Those of you coming from Facebook and Twitter either know me, or are following me because I use medical cannabis. And anyone randomly coming across the blog wouldn't be able to identify me without at least affirmatively searching. Plus, all my in laws are blocked on every social network to which I belong (nice, I know. I never said I was a sweet person).
Now, the second video goes over methods of ingestion. Yes, with full on display of paraphernalia. One accumulates a great deal of it when one has consumed cannabis for over two-thirds of her life (oh, yes). I actually demonstrate one type. Yes, with the real medication.
The third segment was showing different types of cannabis, some I have, some I have containers from when I had last had it, so I could explain types I didn't happen to have. And of course, the real stuff. Several strains, and some hash. All on tape.
I was excited about it. I planned to put it up right away, but decided to wait until tonight. I'd wait until DH went to sleep.
Then the duvet from Nordstrom, the one about which I had been so excited, arrived. I opened the first box, which was one of the shams. It was so beautiful! I excitedly opened the other box, but wait a second: That wasn't the duvet I ordered, was it? I hurried back to the bookmarked site. SHIT! What I had thought was the duvet was a coverlet, and I had assumed the actual duvet was a set of sheets; it was SO different than the shams and coverlet. I didn't even really like this duvet. Plus, it is ivory. I have a stinky little dog, who has light brown hair. We had already eliminated black as an option, just at the thought of her fur woven through each stitch of fabric. This would show dirt as well. I was back to square one, plus I was 100% in love with the shams. Shams! Who would think?
Now I had to have something as close to what I had expected as possible. Those shams, I wanted those shams. I started doing frantic google searches. I got angry, then furious. I was so angry at that stupid duvet, I felt personally affronted by it. Now I was too upset to re-tape the third part of my series, and my head was killing me, all the "pain relief" of focusing on my narration was gone. I had to go lie down, the continuity of the series was going to be totally fucked up. Maybe I should start the whole thing over tomorrow? I went to take a nap for a few hours.
DH called, and told me someone had been hit by a train, so he didn't know when he would be getting in. As morbid as that is, it gave me time to calm down. I woke up completely, and realized my head felt much better. Maybe I could tape the last part over after DH went to bed. I started to actually dress up, he had said at lunchtime that he would love to go out for dinner, if my head cleared up.
....DH wouldn't like that I was going to broadcast this at all, so better to tape it when he was out, or asleep, and post it, and never let him see it....
That was kind of weird. I don't really keep things secret from DH. Yes, I am hesitant about keeping him up to date about my spending, but frankly, he looks at our bank account every day, he sees what is going out (hence his recent expression of displeasure). I pushed my concern to the back of my mind, but it did niggle.
DH came home, and we spent about hour giggling and hanging out. I was having "outbursts" of silly, but also weirdly hostile. I genuinely thought I was joking as the words flew out of my mouth, but once they were out, I would think, "Geez, that was mean!" And I would apologize. But DH thought I was a laff-riot. Still, I felt uncomfortable, it was as if a filter were gone. I might still have made those jokes if I weren't all at sixes and sevens emotionally, but I would have had the extra two seconds to think about what was about to come barreling out of my mouth, and stop it, if I thought it was unwise.
Those of you who know DH knows he has a very bizarre sense of humor. I am lucky.
We went to dinner at an Italian restaurant as close to around the corner as you can get with a Jersey barrier down the center of our major thoroughfare. We had never been before, but Yelp said really good things pretty consistently. It was so close I couldn't believe we hadn't tried it, although I am picky about Italian. Amilia's is a lovely mid-range Italian restaurant, that also sells a rather extensive list of more American-style sandwiches.
We wanted wine with dinner, so we shared a platter of bruschetta to start. Now the reviews of their bruschetta had been raves, and I had thought, "Really? Bruschetta?" I mean, I have eaten a great deal of bruschetta in my day, inside Italy and out. But holy shit, this may have been some of the best bruschetta I have ever eaten! Nomnomnom. Then I had a chicken penne dish with a cream sauce, spinach, mushrooms, fresh tomato, crisp pancetta, cubes of chicken breast, and perfect al dente pasta. I was shocked at how good it was. DH had Chicken Parm, and was also very pleased. We each had a glass of Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc, from New Zealand. DH ate all his chicken, but couldn't eat the side of fettucine, or all his veggies. I got through less than half of mine, but brought it home. A yummy lunch (or more evilly, perhaps, a yummy midnight snack. Hell, a midnight gorge, there is a lot).
We came home, happy and full, and chattering away. DH was happy, because he could tell he was going to get lucky. I was happy because for once a migraine hadn't ruined a weekend evening out, for the first time in at least a month. Thing went as DH hoped. But I had a lot of trouble concentrating, and staying focused (you might not think that could even be an issue, but my mind is going a million miles an hour). It was actually somewhere mid-fuck (sorry) that I began to really start to think about what I was planning on posting on the Internet.
But it was informative and instructive! Everything I did was legal under California law, and de facto legal under Obama's administration! I want to be a cannabis activist! I have committed felonies on behalf of causes before (syringe exchange was a felony, can you believe it?)!
But this was all pre-Internet. Not to mention pre-DH. There is someone else to take into consideration.
No Fair. Why do I have to change my approach?
Wait a second. Haven't I been saying I am labile and manic? I have been cleaning a lot, but today I was so busy taping, I didn't get any cleaning done. In other words, I was still in a frenzy, it just didn't happen to involve cleaning.
And isn't one the classic symptoms of mania lack of self-awareness? Maybe I am being a little hasty. I can always post new, better, videos when I am feeling better, right? I am too embarrassed now to even run the idea by DH. I know it is the mania. This is mania, not hypo-mania. I don't know what to do.
So my conscious kicked in. Cashmere goats may be raised so you can wear a sweater in good conscience, but what really matters is I got my self-consciousness back.
Even crazy people can be conscious.
Friday, October 29, 2010
This is a total and complete whine, so if you want to maintain the illusion that I am more mature than a three year old, please skip this post.
Sister3 celebrated her 40th birthday this year. Sister2, who is very well off, took her to Africa. For a long time, I couldn't understand why that upset me, because while I do hope to go to Africa at some point, sub-Saharan Africa is way down on my list of places I want to go.
Well, of course, I realized while looking at the pictures (which are totally cool) what my problem was. It wasn't really Africa, it was the 40th birthday trip. Sister2 got a birthday trip that all the sisters were required to attend. Sister1 got a last minute exemption, because the baby she adopted unexpectedly became available, and she wasn't allowed out of NY State, but she had been expected to attend. She also got a birthday trip for her 40th birthday.
Oh, plus during Sister1's birthday trip, I arranged a special "sisters" spa trip to celebrate Sister2's engagement (Sister 1 was in on this, but did not pay), which Sister3 and I paid for We rented out the salon. S2 was totally pissed about it, because in spite of her prior insistence that she was footloose and fancy-free that weekend, She had made plans, and we fucked them up, and she made sure we knew it. I told Sister3 we shouldn't surprise her, but hey, I've only known them since birth, what would I know.
She still could have been a little more gracious, she never apologized for the way she acted.
So add to all of this expense and resentment on my part, my 40th birthday was totally ignored by all my sisters. Of course, at the time, it didn't even occur to me to be bothered by it. It was only after being forced to pay for Sister1 and Sister2's trips (and shower) that I began to realize what the deal was. I wondered if for my 45th, there would be some acknowledgment, but no.
It is under 3 years until 50. If it isn't acknowledged, I am serious, I am not celebrating any more 50th birthdays. The trips for my first two sisters were NOT as expensive as sister3, just to Sonoma. I don't expect to go to Africa, although I wouldn't mind going to Sonoma, and having my portion of everything paid for.
I know this is infantile, but if I don't get acknowledgement, they better not expect me to go on any trips or go in for any big gifts for them. This is a huge pattern in how I have been treated by my entire family my whole life. Even Sisters 2 & 3, who are cognizant that I got a raw deal from my parents (it was as if they were raised by different people, no emotional OR physical abuse), are willing to pile on.
I am sure I am annoying to be around, especially when I was depressed a lot. But their personalities are not so sparkling that I particularly want to spend huge amounts of time with any of them, either.
So this is a huge infantile rant, but it is my blog, and I have nowhere else to throw a fit about it.
By the way, if this post didn't give it away, I am labile, and irritable as hell. As bad as the spending is, I would rather be manic than in a mixed state. Let's hope this is due to mania, and is short-lived.
Sister3 celebrated her 40th birthday this year. Sister2, who is very well off, took her to Africa. For a long time, I couldn't understand why that upset me, because while I do hope to go to Africa at some point, sub-Saharan Africa is way down on my list of places I want to go.
Well, of course, I realized while looking at the pictures (which are totally cool) what my problem was. It wasn't really Africa, it was the 40th birthday trip. Sister2 got a birthday trip that all the sisters were required to attend. Sister1 got a last minute exemption, because the baby she adopted unexpectedly became available, and she wasn't allowed out of NY State, but she had been expected to attend. She also got a birthday trip for her 40th birthday.
Oh, plus during Sister1's birthday trip, I arranged a special "sisters" spa trip to celebrate Sister2's engagement (Sister 1 was in on this, but did not pay), which Sister3 and I paid for We rented out the salon. S2 was totally pissed about it, because in spite of her prior insistence that she was footloose and fancy-free that weekend, She had made plans, and we fucked them up, and she made sure we knew it. I told Sister3 we shouldn't surprise her, but hey, I've only known them since birth, what would I know.
She still could have been a little more gracious, she never apologized for the way she acted.
So add to all of this expense and resentment on my part, my 40th birthday was totally ignored by all my sisters. Of course, at the time, it didn't even occur to me to be bothered by it. It was only after being forced to pay for Sister1 and Sister2's trips (and shower) that I began to realize what the deal was. I wondered if for my 45th, there would be some acknowledgment, but no.
It is under 3 years until 50. If it isn't acknowledged, I am serious, I am not celebrating any more 50th birthdays. The trips for my first two sisters were NOT as expensive as sister3, just to Sonoma. I don't expect to go to Africa, although I wouldn't mind going to Sonoma, and having my portion of everything paid for.
I know this is infantile, but if I don't get acknowledgement, they better not expect me to go on any trips or go in for any big gifts for them. This is a huge pattern in how I have been treated by my entire family my whole life. Even Sisters 2 & 3, who are cognizant that I got a raw deal from my parents (it was as if they were raised by different people, no emotional OR physical abuse), are willing to pile on.
I am sure I am annoying to be around, especially when I was depressed a lot. But their personalities are not so sparkling that I particularly want to spend huge amounts of time with any of them, either.
So this is a huge infantile rant, but it is my blog, and I have nowhere else to throw a fit about it.
By the way, if this post didn't give it away, I am labile, and irritable as hell. As bad as the spending is, I would rather be manic than in a mixed state. Let's hope this is due to mania, and is short-lived.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Big Pharma-palooza
So I have been alternately being ULTRA PRODUCTIVE, or discombobulated. I decided tonight, since I stayed in my pajamas all day, and had no pitures, I would expose myself in other ways. I know I do not have the steadiest hand by I hope it is interesting, nonetheless.
Here I am discussing all my M.D. prescribed medications for my two disabling invisibile chronic illnesses. This is not counting required OTC meds, that I am also supposed to take daily. Fun. But realistically, I just want to make sure the bipolar illness and migraines aspects of the journal don't become subsumed. If there is one thing I am finding out is it is most blogs about bipolar illness are ghastly bad.
Anyway, this is what I pop:
Here I am discussing all my M.D. prescribed medications for my two disabling invisibile chronic illnesses. This is not counting required OTC meds, that I am also supposed to take daily. Fun. But realistically, I just want to make sure the bipolar illness and migraines aspects of the journal don't become subsumed. If there is one thing I am finding out is it is most blogs about bipolar illness are ghastly bad.
Anyway, this is what I pop:
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The "I" key is screwed up
So I will do the best I can.
I am, let's just say, heavily self-medicated. I feel relief to not be going, going, going. I know this is bad, but the honest truth is I don't care. My p-doc isn't around right now. I have to go into crisis to really see a p-doc now anyway, so what do I do? I don't actually feel that I am doing what I am doing enough that it is actually going to create a crisis, and I need a fucking break.
Thinking about Heather still makes me put my head in my hands. I'm ridiculously gutted by her death, since I never met her. And then that makes it all about me.
Cathi said she still mourns for an "internet friend" who died of an embolism in her 40s, so that makes me feel a little better. Ugh, what a horrible, tragic, thing.
So, if you hadn't already noticed, alcohol is a depressant. Roll eyes, to paraphrase an emoticon.
I think I have ingested enough substances to sleep, now. And it is before 4AM!
I am, let's just say, heavily self-medicated. I feel relief to not be going, going, going. I know this is bad, but the honest truth is I don't care. My p-doc isn't around right now. I have to go into crisis to really see a p-doc now anyway, so what do I do? I don't actually feel that I am doing what I am doing enough that it is actually going to create a crisis, and I need a fucking break.
Thinking about Heather still makes me put my head in my hands. I'm ridiculously gutted by her death, since I never met her. And then that makes it all about me.
Cathi said she still mourns for an "internet friend" who died of an embolism in her 40s, so that makes me feel a little better. Ugh, what a horrible, tragic, thing.
So, if you hadn't already noticed, alcohol is a depressant. Roll eyes, to paraphrase an emoticon.
I think I have ingested enough substances to sleep, now. And it is before 4AM!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
"Welcome to the Fellowship of Educated Men and Women"
This was written over a few days, so I am sorry if some things are muddled. I am obviously gloriously hypo (this is the mood I get into that pisses Dianthus, one of the moderators on CrazyBoards, for those of you who may lurk there: My p-doc would like to keep me right at this spot forever, but a little more than half the time, I tip into a mixed episode, and there is an argument about whether hypo-manias contribute to kindling. Mixed episodes definitely do. So either my p-doc or Dianthus could have a point
As you can imagine, Harvard graduation is a pretty ritualized and pompous affair. One of the things that is a tradition is that they have a set phrase to confer a degree, en masse, to each particular school. The sentence that conferred my A.B., and all the A.B.s in recent memory (I can't find a start date, but my dad, uncles, and cousins all had the same phrase): "Welcome to the Fellowship of Educated Men and Women." Snotty, no? But once again, I have entered another educational fellowship. Snarf.
Well Friday started off with a bang. I didn't sleep. at. all. Then at 5:45, half an hour before his alarm, DH had a short but violent seizure. I forbade his leaving the house, so he telecommuted. That was good, he was able to get some work done, but also nap a lot. After a seizure, all the energy is just sucked out of him.
I have to "come out" and admit that I am on a spending jag, as if you couldn't tell. The amounts per item have gone up. I really shouldn't seek out and enjoy this kind of "high," but it is really hard to self-report when you feel really good, even if you know that you should be really careful. DH usually says something if he thinks things are getting out of control, and he isn't thrilled with my spending at the moment. I am admittedly a very indulged wife, and I feel less guilty about it than I should, because it makes DH happy to indulge me. I think I am pushing it. I have a bunch of stuff that was "approved" by him still coming, so hopefully, anticipation of those items (BEDDING! WHOOHOOO!) that will help me keep from spending, I hope.
I also have purchased Sister2's birthday present, which was the regular "birthday amount," so while I am early, I thought she would really like what I got her I went to Eni-Thing's Fall Festival, which is like Etsy on wheels. I bought too much. I bought a hooded scarf for Sister2. She lives in Dallas, which gets chilly, but not freezing. She is quite fashionable (she is in the buying dept. for Neiman-Marcus, so duh), and I think she will like it, she likes to be different. I have been good at guessing for her in the past, even though I suck at choosing clothes personally.:

BUT, from the same woman who made the hooded scarf, I bought a gorgeous, unusual scarf, which is very heavy, intricate grey lace on one side, lined with brown silk on the other; there is a slot in the silk through which you slip the other end of the scarf, and you can wear it that way, or pull it through again, so you have more of a tie knot. I wore it Sunday, more on that in a bit. It cost the most I have ever paid for that kind of accessory, like lower end Anthropologie. But so pretty, it would have cost much more at Anthropologie if they sold it. I bought a pad for dollar, so that was okay. I bought a sympathy card for the Kass family, now I have to think of what to write. I think I will get a breast cancer stamp in her honor. There were two other things I really had to combat myself over. One was an Alice painting I knew DH would hate, and would refuse to hang. The other was this purse, which while inexpensive for a purse, was nonetheless too much money. Jen, I think you would like this, the leather is much nicer than the picture looks, and the closure is something like Lucite not cheapo plastic.

I bought a sparkly bracelet and earrings because they were shiiineee. Sometimes I really don't like that organic brain syndromes are so uniform. Shiiineeee. I wore both of them Saturday, and they looked cute with the Calla Lilly pendant that I bought at the OCF. Sorry, I am afraid this picture is huge:

I also bought a necklace I have been coveting, and to which I already have a matching pair of earrings, all by Kerfuffle (can't find a website). I bought the center one; the chain is in three parts, one that is like coins, one that is just chain, and one that is crystals (the crystals are hidden by the far right one. The pendant has a rose, I am very into roses at the moment.

That isn't all. I bought a pair of hairpins, one has the Mad Hatter hat, and the other the Cheshire cat. I mean come on, I HAD to buy them, I'll wear them, as well as my ceramic Alice pendant when we stay at the Jabberwock Inn in Monterey. Hey, in case you didn't know, I made reservations to celebrate our 10th anniversary at the B&B at which we stayed for our honeymoon, and then our first anniversary as well, but more on that later.
Okay, I am editing, and I just read "I HAD to buy them..." I am just scary manic-y right now. I don't get really full blown manias, but I can get mild ones. I am blowing off adrenaline, ugh (blowing out air, kind of like a canine adrenaline shake). BAD.
I am still going. I also bought a pair of little turtle earrings, but I bought them because they were pretty stones that really didn't look much like turtles (if they had been OBVIOUS I wouldn't have liked them).
And Ladies, she also plans expenditures into the future: We celebrate our 10th anniversary July 21, 2011. We had a super short (2 days), but super luxurious honeymoon, and we stayed at the Jabberwock Inn, which fit in with our Mad Hatter's Tea Party wedding theme, perfectly. Then my parents gave us two nights the next year at the same place as a first anniversary gift. Although they had helped pay for the wedding, that was kind of our official wedding gift from them. July seems far off, but I was alarmed to see that July was already filling up; the weekends before and after our anniversary were full. BUT, if I had us stay the night before and the night of our anniversary, we could stay in any room we wanted. Both times we have stayed in the past, we have stayed in the Toves, and of course, I chose that room again.

Here I am in the room's "Secret Garden," on our honeymoon:

Not that I am looking forward to it or anything. Fortunately, it doesn't need to be paid until we check out, and DH wanted to do this too, so we are budgeting for it. We had wanted to go to Hawaii for our 5th, then I had knee surgery instead. We then planned to do it the 10th, but we didn't expect DH to get laid off. We also talked about Australia. Right now, we are shooting for Australia for my 50th birthday. Less than 3 years away. Faint.
Okay, so this weekend was totally a blast. I really had to drag myself out of bed on Saturday morning, because I had just taken a 2 hour nap for all of Friday, and then I got about 5 hours on Saturday morning. I wanted to leave the house to give myself time to get good and lost. DH had set the Nuvi to "gas saving," which meant I took a meandering, hour and 15 minute drive to downtown Oakland. It was interesting, but it took forever. I was still there before check-in started, because I am always early to everything, no matter how lost I get, because I leave so much time to get thoroughly lost. Over-planning. I hate it, but my p-doc doesn't feel it is a pathology. NJ pointed out it is my coping mechanism, and it clearly is. but it is very anxiety inducing, because my mind is always running through contingencies. I catch myself planning magically, sometimes, "If I do this, then that good event will surely follow, so that I can do/have this desired thing." My p-doc says I need to be really mindful of that kind of thinking, using the word "mindful" in a very specific, OCD context.
Augh, tangents much? But this is both my natural style, and exacerbated by the hypo. Anyway, I was early, but the school bookstore was one block over, and I went there to buy our required books. Which we did not touch, the entire weekend. But I know I will use them. I also bought a "Yes on Prop 19" t-shirt in green on black, with a CA bear in silhouette, Fuck Medicann, they really are drumming up fear needlessly, I support the proposition. I was relieved to find out that the position of the school is to support 19. I support Medicann's overall mission, but I think their politics reeks of profit motive. Ha, reek is an apt term for the Cannabis debate.

We checked in starting at about 9:20, and they gave us a binder for class, a DVD, a CD or DVD (don't know which yet), in addition to the temporary student ID, which gave us access to the school and the Student Union. More on the Student Union in a bit. Then they sent us upstairs, to poke around the grow room while they were setting up our classroom. There were plants at all stages of development, including vegetative plants, grown purely for clones, and that never flower because they aren't really allowed to. I noticed they watered the plants less than we had, or at any rate, they let the leaves wilt a bit, which I learned about later.
I won't go into detail, because I really want to, which I know would be deadly. The Saturday syllabus started with politic & history, which I mostly knew. Then legal, with a really good criminal defense attorney. I learned a ton, and most of the people there therefore learned more than they could absorb. I was the only attorney, I found out, so if I was learning stuff, a lot of stuff flew right over peoples' heads (and I could tell from questions, a lot of it did). I asked a question about conspiracy, because apparently, I could be charged with conspiracy for being a member of a collective: I wanted to know what the "act in furtherance" of committing a crime would be, and he said the DA never got further than charges (i.e., they don't meet all the elements for "criminal conspiracy.") it is pure harassment.
I have to remember to email him about Terry Stops.
Then lunch. I ate in the little school cafe, had half a B.L.A.T. sandwich, put the other half in my trunk (it was chilly). Then I went upstairs, and looked over my notes, because I am the nerdiest nerd of the nerdlets. I was told about the student union, but I for some reason didn't head over on Saturday. I was the only person there that "looked over my notes," I was the only one geeky enough to think to do something like that. Law school, it has beaten me into submission. I may have sucked at exams, but boy did I study. I knew I could medicate at the Student Union, but I didn't feel like it, and I was afraid I would get too sleepy, which happened even without pot, just from eating. Some of the people from out of state were totally wowed by the fact that people were openly using. I found out the next day it was something like a "Buyers Club," San Francisco style, which we do not have in the South Bay at. all.
Anyway, then we had a half hour of Civics. A really shitty half hour, where we didn't learn anything remotely having to do with Civics. I have no idea what they think the word "Civics" mean, they seemed to think it had to do with personal conduct. We actually had covered some Civics in the Politics segment, but geez. I actually liked the woman who taught that when she taught a different segment, but that was awful. And I truly adore Civics. I fucking taught Civics. Then for the next three hours, we had horticulture lecture and horticulture lab. I have tons of information from both sessions, but it was VERY dry. That was when it was hard to stay awake.
That was it for the day, and I over-ruled the GPS receiver, and found 880S as fast as I could. It was still heavier traffic than I expected from a Saturday evening, but it was SO much faster. So I had DH reprogram the Nuvi to go "fastest route." I realized that the Prius actually conserved gas better driving the opposite way of the standard engine, so it was actually using less gas to drive on the freeway all the way. Anyway, DH was still feeling wonky from the previous day's seizure, so I just had the other half of my BLAT and some oatmeal (I now always have a pot of steel cut oats in the fridge, since I found that overnight method. I am eating oatmeal 4 or 5 times a week, I figure that can't be that unhealthy. And it is very filling.
I was energized and exhausted at the same time. As little sleep as I have gotten in the previous 72 hours, I am still having trouble settling down. Of course, that is partially my mood, but I also know this feeling from previous activism trainings. God, I love grassroots activism, I had TOTALLY forgotten how amazing it feels.
So I forgot to take pictures of my clothes either day this weekend, and I have pictures of earlier things to post, but that can be a later jumping-off point. Saturday, I wore my new green mandarin-collared 3/4 sleeve cotton under a very simple but very nice black long sleeved cotton sweater, with those rolled sleeve ends and neck. I wore my black boots with the buckles that actually fit my calves, my sparkly bracelet and earrings, and my calla lily pendant. And jeans. Even with a sweater, it was COLD in th classroom, so today I wore a white LL Bean (!!) mandarin color placket front long-sleeved blouse (I was goin' Old Skool Prep). and an ancient Royal Silk raw silk tweedy coat, that is really warm. It got soaked in the rain today, so off to the dry cleaner it goes, bleah. I also wore my new lace and satin scarf/tie. The predominant color in the blazer was brown, and it was nubby, and has flecks of lots of colors, so the scarf looked really nice with it, if I do say so myself. And jeans. Oh, and my brown pull on boots, with the velvet and tweed trim. Earrings, Silver Tudor Roses, Navajo stone inlay and silver pendant necklace, funky geometric charm bracelet. I looked MAH-velous.
So Things I Learned on Day One: Sit at the end of the row, so you don't have to climb over others when you have to pee every 7.5 minutes. Don't sit next to woman from Florida who wants to talk about real estate. Adults are often shitty students.
Oh, and this was interesting: a classmate started making an Admission Against Interest to a a lawyer as all three of us stood around talking about some legal niceties of the size of grows. The lawyer knew I was a lawyer, and gave me a panicked look, and quickly said, "Well, you really shouldn't talk about this type of information in a public place, you need to call me so we can talk confidentially. And the guy said, "Okay," and then continued to make further admissions. The lawyer gave me another look, and I told him I would email my question, and I got the hell out of there.
Sunday started with methods of ingestion, which was AMAZING. I know that sounds insane, but I learned tons of different ways to prepare cannabis for people with different medical prohibitions. People who can't smoke, can't keep food down, allergic to nuts (lots of nuts in pot cooking), tincture, gel caps.... We learned how to make hash a couple of different ways, as well as keef. I mean, it takes some equipment, but not as much as you would think, and even I could construct some of the equipment myself to make keef, and I am a klutz. The drawback, of course, is you need to start out with large quantities of plant material. Sometimes the buds, sometimes the rest of the plant, but a LOT of it. I think if you are an alum, you pretty much have access to any remains of harvests that they don't want to use, on a first come first serve, but there were several cross-communications during the weekend, so I could have misunderstood that.
Then after a 10 minute break, we had "Cooking with Aunt Sandy." More awesomeness. I actually had already signed up for a class of hers in two weeks, I had already heard great things about her not only from Oaksterdam students, but people at dispensaries who sell her stuff. Cannabinoids are fat soluble, so to release them you need to heat them in butter, or really unhealthy vegetable oil (the fattier, the better). She was hilarious, too. She crowed about how fucked up she had gotten some of her customers, and apparently Cannabis is a staple in her home-cooking. For instance, when she makes bread, right before she sets it to rise, she entirely coats it in ground plant matter (it is like flour), then lets it rise. Then serve with cannabutter. We also talked about ratios and dosages. When she makes cannabutter, at the end there is water that has separated from the chilled butter, and she cooks kraft macaroni in it, and makes mac&cheese with cannabutter. The class I am taking I will be learning how to make cannabutter, how to infuse a turkey with butter, and how to make a kick-ass stuffing. FUN! I decided not to enroll in the second part, Advanced Basic, until next year. My take home test from this weekend is due the Monday after that weekend, and I was TIRED after classes each day, so I decided I would do something more fun, but still useful.
I am surprised at how much edibles interested me. I would never ever be able to cook in my kitchen, the health department would have to set the house on fire to help bring it in compliance with health standards. But they *just* are opening a commercial kitchen on the 3rd floor (this is their new building: First floor, admin, second floor, grow room and classroom, third floor commercial kitchen, and either another classroom or another grow room. I am going to guess grow room, they have other classroom options. But that is something I might want to pursue, since I am assuming I would be working in a regulated kitchen, not my own. I want to be involved in a grow, just to go through the paces. I am pretty sure if cloning is as easy as I think, I should learn that.
So after cooking class, we went to lunch at the Student Union. I am not even sure I am going to go into all that was going on, but basically: A room, you need a student ID, or to be accompanied by a student, and pay 5 dollars, to enter. It is pretty big, divided into pool and foosball, a flatscreen with tables to sit at, eat, and watch, more cocktail-y tables for people who wanted to socialize. And of course, there was cannabis. First of all, they sell it there, and at a slight discount with student id (slight, but I am not complaining). Not in huge quantities, just a few strains, some edibles, and they also sell one strain of hash (a pretty good one, though). Because it was very crowded when I got there, I didn't get the whole picture, but later, we ended up having some classes there (more to come), and I saw the layout: Each table has two community bags of bud (I would guess 3 or 4 grams a bag). Also, two grinders, a water pipe, a hand held vaporizer, a pipe, a Volcano vaporizer bag, lighters, ashtrays, and rolling papers. People just leave little piles of roaches and bowls of pot that they decided they didn't want. I bought a little for the novelty of smoking so socially (in a public place), a White Widow (Indica) /Train Wreck (Sativa) hybrid, hybrids work best for me, and this was lighter than the pure indicas which are for heavy pain.
Anyway, I bought a few grams, and went over to one of the shelves they have for you to "work" on assembling whatever method you use. They use guitar picks as a drug tool, it is funny what people end up commandeering as paraphenalia, So just as I was grinding some up, a man next to me said, "Oh, I'm leaving, and I don't want to take that small an amount, you take it. So that was a bowl. I used a water pipe, which I don't like, but the vaporizers were swamped, because everyone wanted to try a Volcano (a super expensive, but highly coveted model; we would love one someday). I borrowed a lighter. I usually only use them for hash, so I was overwhelmed for a second by the sheer quantity of smoke that came up (do you know smoking a joint is better for your lungs than through a water pipe? You filter cancer fighting cannabinoids with the water!
But my instinct when all the smoke started pouring out was to draw too hard, and water flew up the pipe, a bit got into my mouth, and SOME SPILLED ON MY BEAUTIFUL NEW SCARF! I ran to the bathroom and rinsed it, silk is pretty durable, and I just had to pray about the lace, because I couldn't wear a bong-water scented piece of clothing. Fortunately, it came out, because I got it literally within a minute, it didn't really even have time to saturate. So I looked very suave.
There was a member there who was basically strapped to a wheelchair with a plastic molded frame tied to the back of his chair to keep him upright. He is paralyzed from the chest down (motorcycle accident), and his mother picked them up and moved them to California so he could get Medical Cannabis for his pain and neuropathy, not to mention PTSD. So as a thank you to the Oaksterdam community, she makes a lunch every Sunday, to go with whatever sporting event is on the flat screen. Today it was football, and we had wings and potato salad. So I had one more bowl, and then headed back to class. As I was walking back, I passed a horrible accident: I am not sure how the cars ended up in the positions the did, but one was facing in the wrong direction on the one way street, with it's left bumper deep into a parked car's rear driver side, and another car was dragged into it, and slammed a transformer. So all the power went out, and we weren't allowed to go back to our classroom because of fire codes.
So they quickly divided the Student Union in two, and we had class on one side. Our books, the slides, our notebooks, were al in the other building. So we got pads to take notes on. I was annoyed, I don't like notes from one class scattered. So I literally came home and taped the pages rom the pad into my notebook, in order.
It was weird being in class as people passed joints and paraphenalia back and forth in front of you (we couldn't have done this in the classroom building). I couldn't even smell any pot anymore, and we were warned to take a few minutes after class to make sure we hadn't gotten a little high just from being in the room.
The kicker? You want to smoke a cigarette? Outside with you, that's disgusting. :)
So then we had the "science" class, which was a Dr. (he said what field, I have zoned) who is the US specialist on cannabis, used in court, involved in studies in 5 countries, blah di blah. He taught me a lot about how the FDA works, and how that handicaps cannabis. One of the discussions was the LD50 rate: An LD50 is a dose of a medication that would be lethal in 50% of the population. so of course, you want your LD50 to be a huge number, and as he said, "They finally found the lethal dose for a rat was dropping a 25 Kilo bale of pot on it from a height of several feet." I knew this. Then one guy started in on the psychosis/cannabis connection. Cannabis finds schizophrenia and bipolar illness by precipitating first psychoses in people who would almost certainly have had another psychotic within a few years. This consensus is held WIDELY among p-docs, There are lots of reasons they may not want their patient using cannabis, but MJ doesn't create psychoses in an otherwise neurotypical person.
This man insisted that his friends had been very heavy smokers, quit to lower their tolerance (to save money), and then when they started smoking again a few months later, they became psychotic, and it had to be the pot, and his mother was a p-doc in the NV prison system, so she knows. A prison psychiatrist, how prestigious (oh, I am a bitch). So *I* said, "My dad is a psychopharmacologist, and he finds that a lot of his schizophrenic and bipolar patients self medicate with pot. AS WITH ANY PSYCHIATRIC DRUG, stopping and starting it can ruin its effectiveness, or even cause paradoxical reactions. This is not uncommon. The Dr. lecturing agreed with me, but the other guy was like, "Well, that's not what my mother says." I get all snotty and bitchy internally, and want to say things like, "Okay, lets get my Harvard and Yale educated, world renowned research, clinician, and forensic psychiatrist, and have him debate your mom, who works in Nevada's prison system. Please. In the meantime, I'll sell tickets.
After the science discussion, we had a brief fund-raising and advocacy class. My problem is that I only feel comfortable asking for money for a cause face to face with the person, I don't like phone calls or mailings. But I've done it, I'll do it again.
I feel so energized and excited. I feel the way I did after every HIV education training clinic, every political strategy discussion, oh my god, what have I been doing for the last 10 years? Well, 9, to be totally fair.
I am sure there is more, but I am starting to tire, it will take me years to proof this, before I post it. So I am wrapping up.
As you can imagine, Harvard graduation is a pretty ritualized and pompous affair. One of the things that is a tradition is that they have a set phrase to confer a degree, en masse, to each particular school. The sentence that conferred my A.B., and all the A.B.s in recent memory (I can't find a start date, but my dad, uncles, and cousins all had the same phrase): "Welcome to the Fellowship of Educated Men and Women." Snotty, no? But once again, I have entered another educational fellowship. Snarf.
Well Friday started off with a bang. I didn't sleep. at. all. Then at 5:45, half an hour before his alarm, DH had a short but violent seizure. I forbade his leaving the house, so he telecommuted. That was good, he was able to get some work done, but also nap a lot. After a seizure, all the energy is just sucked out of him.
I have to "come out" and admit that I am on a spending jag, as if you couldn't tell. The amounts per item have gone up. I really shouldn't seek out and enjoy this kind of "high," but it is really hard to self-report when you feel really good, even if you know that you should be really careful. DH usually says something if he thinks things are getting out of control, and he isn't thrilled with my spending at the moment. I am admittedly a very indulged wife, and I feel less guilty about it than I should, because it makes DH happy to indulge me. I think I am pushing it. I have a bunch of stuff that was "approved" by him still coming, so hopefully, anticipation of those items (BEDDING! WHOOHOOO!) that will help me keep from spending, I hope.
I also have purchased Sister2's birthday present, which was the regular "birthday amount," so while I am early, I thought she would really like what I got her I went to Eni-Thing's Fall Festival, which is like Etsy on wheels. I bought too much. I bought a hooded scarf for Sister2. She lives in Dallas, which gets chilly, but not freezing. She is quite fashionable (she is in the buying dept. for Neiman-Marcus, so duh), and I think she will like it, she likes to be different. I have been good at guessing for her in the past, even though I suck at choosing clothes personally.:

BUT, from the same woman who made the hooded scarf, I bought a gorgeous, unusual scarf, which is very heavy, intricate grey lace on one side, lined with brown silk on the other; there is a slot in the silk through which you slip the other end of the scarf, and you can wear it that way, or pull it through again, so you have more of a tie knot. I wore it Sunday, more on that in a bit. It cost the most I have ever paid for that kind of accessory, like lower end Anthropologie. But so pretty, it would have cost much more at Anthropologie if they sold it. I bought a pad for dollar, so that was okay. I bought a sympathy card for the Kass family, now I have to think of what to write. I think I will get a breast cancer stamp in her honor. There were two other things I really had to combat myself over. One was an Alice painting I knew DH would hate, and would refuse to hang. The other was this purse, which while inexpensive for a purse, was nonetheless too much money. Jen, I think you would like this, the leather is much nicer than the picture looks, and the closure is something like Lucite not cheapo plastic.

I bought a sparkly bracelet and earrings because they were shiiineee. Sometimes I really don't like that organic brain syndromes are so uniform. Shiiineeee. I wore both of them Saturday, and they looked cute with the Calla Lilly pendant that I bought at the OCF. Sorry, I am afraid this picture is huge:

I also bought a necklace I have been coveting, and to which I already have a matching pair of earrings, all by Kerfuffle (can't find a website). I bought the center one; the chain is in three parts, one that is like coins, one that is just chain, and one that is crystals (the crystals are hidden by the far right one. The pendant has a rose, I am very into roses at the moment.

That isn't all. I bought a pair of hairpins, one has the Mad Hatter hat, and the other the Cheshire cat. I mean come on, I HAD to buy them, I'll wear them, as well as my ceramic Alice pendant when we stay at the Jabberwock Inn in Monterey. Hey, in case you didn't know, I made reservations to celebrate our 10th anniversary at the B&B at which we stayed for our honeymoon, and then our first anniversary as well, but more on that later.
Okay, I am editing, and I just read "I HAD to buy them..." I am just scary manic-y right now. I don't get really full blown manias, but I can get mild ones. I am blowing off adrenaline, ugh (blowing out air, kind of like a canine adrenaline shake). BAD.
I am still going. I also bought a pair of little turtle earrings, but I bought them because they were pretty stones that really didn't look much like turtles (if they had been OBVIOUS I wouldn't have liked them).
And Ladies, she also plans expenditures into the future: We celebrate our 10th anniversary July 21, 2011. We had a super short (2 days), but super luxurious honeymoon, and we stayed at the Jabberwock Inn, which fit in with our Mad Hatter's Tea Party wedding theme, perfectly. Then my parents gave us two nights the next year at the same place as a first anniversary gift. Although they had helped pay for the wedding, that was kind of our official wedding gift from them. July seems far off, but I was alarmed to see that July was already filling up; the weekends before and after our anniversary were full. BUT, if I had us stay the night before and the night of our anniversary, we could stay in any room we wanted. Both times we have stayed in the past, we have stayed in the Toves, and of course, I chose that room again.

Here I am in the room's "Secret Garden," on our honeymoon:

Not that I am looking forward to it or anything. Fortunately, it doesn't need to be paid until we check out, and DH wanted to do this too, so we are budgeting for it. We had wanted to go to Hawaii for our 5th, then I had knee surgery instead. We then planned to do it the 10th, but we didn't expect DH to get laid off. We also talked about Australia. Right now, we are shooting for Australia for my 50th birthday. Less than 3 years away. Faint.
Okay, so this weekend was totally a blast. I really had to drag myself out of bed on Saturday morning, because I had just taken a 2 hour nap for all of Friday, and then I got about 5 hours on Saturday morning. I wanted to leave the house to give myself time to get good and lost. DH had set the Nuvi to "gas saving," which meant I took a meandering, hour and 15 minute drive to downtown Oakland. It was interesting, but it took forever. I was still there before check-in started, because I am always early to everything, no matter how lost I get, because I leave so much time to get thoroughly lost. Over-planning. I hate it, but my p-doc doesn't feel it is a pathology. NJ pointed out it is my coping mechanism, and it clearly is. but it is very anxiety inducing, because my mind is always running through contingencies. I catch myself planning magically, sometimes, "If I do this, then that good event will surely follow, so that I can do/have this desired thing." My p-doc says I need to be really mindful of that kind of thinking, using the word "mindful" in a very specific, OCD context.
Augh, tangents much? But this is both my natural style, and exacerbated by the hypo. Anyway, I was early, but the school bookstore was one block over, and I went there to buy our required books. Which we did not touch, the entire weekend. But I know I will use them. I also bought a "Yes on Prop 19" t-shirt in green on black, with a CA bear in silhouette, Fuck Medicann, they really are drumming up fear needlessly, I support the proposition. I was relieved to find out that the position of the school is to support 19. I support Medicann's overall mission, but I think their politics reeks of profit motive. Ha, reek is an apt term for the Cannabis debate.

We checked in starting at about 9:20, and they gave us a binder for class, a DVD, a CD or DVD (don't know which yet), in addition to the temporary student ID, which gave us access to the school and the Student Union. More on the Student Union in a bit. Then they sent us upstairs, to poke around the grow room while they were setting up our classroom. There were plants at all stages of development, including vegetative plants, grown purely for clones, and that never flower because they aren't really allowed to. I noticed they watered the plants less than we had, or at any rate, they let the leaves wilt a bit, which I learned about later.
I won't go into detail, because I really want to, which I know would be deadly. The Saturday syllabus started with politic & history, which I mostly knew. Then legal, with a really good criminal defense attorney. I learned a ton, and most of the people there therefore learned more than they could absorb. I was the only attorney, I found out, so if I was learning stuff, a lot of stuff flew right over peoples' heads (and I could tell from questions, a lot of it did). I asked a question about conspiracy, because apparently, I could be charged with conspiracy for being a member of a collective: I wanted to know what the "act in furtherance" of committing a crime would be, and he said the DA never got further than charges (i.e., they don't meet all the elements for "criminal conspiracy.") it is pure harassment.
I have to remember to email him about Terry Stops.
Then lunch. I ate in the little school cafe, had half a B.L.A.T. sandwich, put the other half in my trunk (it was chilly). Then I went upstairs, and looked over my notes, because I am the nerdiest nerd of the nerdlets. I was told about the student union, but I for some reason didn't head over on Saturday. I was the only person there that "looked over my notes," I was the only one geeky enough to think to do something like that. Law school, it has beaten me into submission. I may have sucked at exams, but boy did I study. I knew I could medicate at the Student Union, but I didn't feel like it, and I was afraid I would get too sleepy, which happened even without pot, just from eating. Some of the people from out of state were totally wowed by the fact that people were openly using. I found out the next day it was something like a "Buyers Club," San Francisco style, which we do not have in the South Bay at. all.
Anyway, then we had a half hour of Civics. A really shitty half hour, where we didn't learn anything remotely having to do with Civics. I have no idea what they think the word "Civics" mean, they seemed to think it had to do with personal conduct. We actually had covered some Civics in the Politics segment, but geez. I actually liked the woman who taught that when she taught a different segment, but that was awful. And I truly adore Civics. I fucking taught Civics. Then for the next three hours, we had horticulture lecture and horticulture lab. I have tons of information from both sessions, but it was VERY dry. That was when it was hard to stay awake.
That was it for the day, and I over-ruled the GPS receiver, and found 880S as fast as I could. It was still heavier traffic than I expected from a Saturday evening, but it was SO much faster. So I had DH reprogram the Nuvi to go "fastest route." I realized that the Prius actually conserved gas better driving the opposite way of the standard engine, so it was actually using less gas to drive on the freeway all the way. Anyway, DH was still feeling wonky from the previous day's seizure, so I just had the other half of my BLAT and some oatmeal (I now always have a pot of steel cut oats in the fridge, since I found that overnight method. I am eating oatmeal 4 or 5 times a week, I figure that can't be that unhealthy. And it is very filling.
I was energized and exhausted at the same time. As little sleep as I have gotten in the previous 72 hours, I am still having trouble settling down. Of course, that is partially my mood, but I also know this feeling from previous activism trainings. God, I love grassroots activism, I had TOTALLY forgotten how amazing it feels.
So I forgot to take pictures of my clothes either day this weekend, and I have pictures of earlier things to post, but that can be a later jumping-off point. Saturday, I wore my new green mandarin-collared 3/4 sleeve cotton under a very simple but very nice black long sleeved cotton sweater, with those rolled sleeve ends and neck. I wore my black boots with the buckles that actually fit my calves, my sparkly bracelet and earrings, and my calla lily pendant. And jeans. Even with a sweater, it was COLD in th classroom, so today I wore a white LL Bean (!!) mandarin color placket front long-sleeved blouse (I was goin' Old Skool Prep). and an ancient Royal Silk raw silk tweedy coat, that is really warm. It got soaked in the rain today, so off to the dry cleaner it goes, bleah. I also wore my new lace and satin scarf/tie. The predominant color in the blazer was brown, and it was nubby, and has flecks of lots of colors, so the scarf looked really nice with it, if I do say so myself. And jeans. Oh, and my brown pull on boots, with the velvet and tweed trim. Earrings, Silver Tudor Roses, Navajo stone inlay and silver pendant necklace, funky geometric charm bracelet. I looked MAH-velous.
So Things I Learned on Day One: Sit at the end of the row, so you don't have to climb over others when you have to pee every 7.5 minutes. Don't sit next to woman from Florida who wants to talk about real estate. Adults are often shitty students.
Oh, and this was interesting: a classmate started making an Admission Against Interest to a a lawyer as all three of us stood around talking about some legal niceties of the size of grows. The lawyer knew I was a lawyer, and gave me a panicked look, and quickly said, "Well, you really shouldn't talk about this type of information in a public place, you need to call me so we can talk confidentially. And the guy said, "Okay," and then continued to make further admissions. The lawyer gave me another look, and I told him I would email my question, and I got the hell out of there.
Sunday started with methods of ingestion, which was AMAZING. I know that sounds insane, but I learned tons of different ways to prepare cannabis for people with different medical prohibitions. People who can't smoke, can't keep food down, allergic to nuts (lots of nuts in pot cooking), tincture, gel caps.... We learned how to make hash a couple of different ways, as well as keef. I mean, it takes some equipment, but not as much as you would think, and even I could construct some of the equipment myself to make keef, and I am a klutz. The drawback, of course, is you need to start out with large quantities of plant material. Sometimes the buds, sometimes the rest of the plant, but a LOT of it. I think if you are an alum, you pretty much have access to any remains of harvests that they don't want to use, on a first come first serve, but there were several cross-communications during the weekend, so I could have misunderstood that.
Then after a 10 minute break, we had "Cooking with Aunt Sandy." More awesomeness. I actually had already signed up for a class of hers in two weeks, I had already heard great things about her not only from Oaksterdam students, but people at dispensaries who sell her stuff. Cannabinoids are fat soluble, so to release them you need to heat them in butter, or really unhealthy vegetable oil (the fattier, the better). She was hilarious, too. She crowed about how fucked up she had gotten some of her customers, and apparently Cannabis is a staple in her home-cooking. For instance, when she makes bread, right before she sets it to rise, she entirely coats it in ground plant matter (it is like flour), then lets it rise. Then serve with cannabutter. We also talked about ratios and dosages. When she makes cannabutter, at the end there is water that has separated from the chilled butter, and she cooks kraft macaroni in it, and makes mac&cheese with cannabutter. The class I am taking I will be learning how to make cannabutter, how to infuse a turkey with butter, and how to make a kick-ass stuffing. FUN! I decided not to enroll in the second part, Advanced Basic, until next year. My take home test from this weekend is due the Monday after that weekend, and I was TIRED after classes each day, so I decided I would do something more fun, but still useful.
I am surprised at how much edibles interested me. I would never ever be able to cook in my kitchen, the health department would have to set the house on fire to help bring it in compliance with health standards. But they *just* are opening a commercial kitchen on the 3rd floor (this is their new building: First floor, admin, second floor, grow room and classroom, third floor commercial kitchen, and either another classroom or another grow room. I am going to guess grow room, they have other classroom options. But that is something I might want to pursue, since I am assuming I would be working in a regulated kitchen, not my own. I want to be involved in a grow, just to go through the paces. I am pretty sure if cloning is as easy as I think, I should learn that.
So after cooking class, we went to lunch at the Student Union. I am not even sure I am going to go into all that was going on, but basically: A room, you need a student ID, or to be accompanied by a student, and pay 5 dollars, to enter. It is pretty big, divided into pool and foosball, a flatscreen with tables to sit at, eat, and watch, more cocktail-y tables for people who wanted to socialize. And of course, there was cannabis. First of all, they sell it there, and at a slight discount with student id (slight, but I am not complaining). Not in huge quantities, just a few strains, some edibles, and they also sell one strain of hash (a pretty good one, though). Because it was very crowded when I got there, I didn't get the whole picture, but later, we ended up having some classes there (more to come), and I saw the layout: Each table has two community bags of bud (I would guess 3 or 4 grams a bag). Also, two grinders, a water pipe, a hand held vaporizer, a pipe, a Volcano vaporizer bag, lighters, ashtrays, and rolling papers. People just leave little piles of roaches and bowls of pot that they decided they didn't want. I bought a little for the novelty of smoking so socially (in a public place), a White Widow (Indica) /Train Wreck (Sativa) hybrid, hybrids work best for me, and this was lighter than the pure indicas which are for heavy pain.
Anyway, I bought a few grams, and went over to one of the shelves they have for you to "work" on assembling whatever method you use. They use guitar picks as a drug tool, it is funny what people end up commandeering as paraphenalia, So just as I was grinding some up, a man next to me said, "Oh, I'm leaving, and I don't want to take that small an amount, you take it. So that was a bowl. I used a water pipe, which I don't like, but the vaporizers were swamped, because everyone wanted to try a Volcano (a super expensive, but highly coveted model; we would love one someday). I borrowed a lighter. I usually only use them for hash, so I was overwhelmed for a second by the sheer quantity of smoke that came up (do you know smoking a joint is better for your lungs than through a water pipe? You filter cancer fighting cannabinoids with the water!
But my instinct when all the smoke started pouring out was to draw too hard, and water flew up the pipe, a bit got into my mouth, and SOME SPILLED ON MY BEAUTIFUL NEW SCARF! I ran to the bathroom and rinsed it, silk is pretty durable, and I just had to pray about the lace, because I couldn't wear a bong-water scented piece of clothing. Fortunately, it came out, because I got it literally within a minute, it didn't really even have time to saturate. So I looked very suave.
There was a member there who was basically strapped to a wheelchair with a plastic molded frame tied to the back of his chair to keep him upright. He is paralyzed from the chest down (motorcycle accident), and his mother picked them up and moved them to California so he could get Medical Cannabis for his pain and neuropathy, not to mention PTSD. So as a thank you to the Oaksterdam community, she makes a lunch every Sunday, to go with whatever sporting event is on the flat screen. Today it was football, and we had wings and potato salad. So I had one more bowl, and then headed back to class. As I was walking back, I passed a horrible accident: I am not sure how the cars ended up in the positions the did, but one was facing in the wrong direction on the one way street, with it's left bumper deep into a parked car's rear driver side, and another car was dragged into it, and slammed a transformer. So all the power went out, and we weren't allowed to go back to our classroom because of fire codes.
So they quickly divided the Student Union in two, and we had class on one side. Our books, the slides, our notebooks, were al in the other building. So we got pads to take notes on. I was annoyed, I don't like notes from one class scattered. So I literally came home and taped the pages rom the pad into my notebook, in order.
It was weird being in class as people passed joints and paraphenalia back and forth in front of you (we couldn't have done this in the classroom building). I couldn't even smell any pot anymore, and we were warned to take a few minutes after class to make sure we hadn't gotten a little high just from being in the room.
The kicker? You want to smoke a cigarette? Outside with you, that's disgusting. :)
So then we had the "science" class, which was a Dr. (he said what field, I have zoned) who is the US specialist on cannabis, used in court, involved in studies in 5 countries, blah di blah. He taught me a lot about how the FDA works, and how that handicaps cannabis. One of the discussions was the LD50 rate: An LD50 is a dose of a medication that would be lethal in 50% of the population. so of course, you want your LD50 to be a huge number, and as he said, "They finally found the lethal dose for a rat was dropping a 25 Kilo bale of pot on it from a height of several feet." I knew this. Then one guy started in on the psychosis/cannabis connection. Cannabis finds schizophrenia and bipolar illness by precipitating first psychoses in people who would almost certainly have had another psychotic within a few years. This consensus is held WIDELY among p-docs, There are lots of reasons they may not want their patient using cannabis, but MJ doesn't create psychoses in an otherwise neurotypical person.
This man insisted that his friends had been very heavy smokers, quit to lower their tolerance (to save money), and then when they started smoking again a few months later, they became psychotic, and it had to be the pot, and his mother was a p-doc in the NV prison system, so she knows. A prison psychiatrist, how prestigious (oh, I am a bitch). So *I* said, "My dad is a psychopharmacologist, and he finds that a lot of his schizophrenic and bipolar patients self medicate with pot. AS WITH ANY PSYCHIATRIC DRUG, stopping and starting it can ruin its effectiveness, or even cause paradoxical reactions. This is not uncommon. The Dr. lecturing agreed with me, but the other guy was like, "Well, that's not what my mother says." I get all snotty and bitchy internally, and want to say things like, "Okay, lets get my Harvard and Yale educated, world renowned research, clinician, and forensic psychiatrist, and have him debate your mom, who works in Nevada's prison system. Please. In the meantime, I'll sell tickets.
After the science discussion, we had a brief fund-raising and advocacy class. My problem is that I only feel comfortable asking for money for a cause face to face with the person, I don't like phone calls or mailings. But I've done it, I'll do it again.
I feel so energized and excited. I feel the way I did after every HIV education training clinic, every political strategy discussion, oh my god, what have I been doing for the last 10 years? Well, 9, to be totally fair.
I am sure there is more, but I am starting to tire, it will take me years to proof this, before I post it. So I am wrapping up.
Friday, October 22, 2010
No seriously, I wore stuff
Okay, I have learned that removing images that I have posted on flickr, even when I lift the html, makes them disappear blog. So sorry that some of my pictures have disappeared. I maybe will fix some of the "outfit" pictures.
I haven't posted any outfits in a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been keeping records. And I know this is going to be super self-indulgent, but I am going to also start taking pictures of my jewelry, so I can refer to it. Hey, this is my frivolous "what I wore" blog, as well as my pensive "who AM I" blog.
So, I am just going to show "outfits" in order, and then discuss them as I go along. This should be an absolutely riveting post. But I am learning things.
Friday, it began to cool off, but was still warm. The top is an Exhilaration top by Target (which I am currently boycotting). The pants are those ugly Costco Capri's again. We will see these again soon, and I have more to say on that. The hair pin is one of my larger kanzashi, blue and pink. the usual Birkenstock: In my defense, I have to limit my footwear due to foot reconstruction less than a year ago, with more surgery to come.

I also wore these beautiful earrings, another GW find. Perfect fall colors. No necklace, the scoop neck is elasticized and ruffled.

Saturday, I actually had a reason to dress fairly nicely: NakedJen, DH and I had plans for lunch at our usual Ginormous Whole Foods in Cupertino, a central meeting place in the Silicon Valley for us. But, after I got dressed, fate intervened, in the form of a disgruntled host, and two silly dogs, so she had to run back to Santa Cruz. We see each other enough, it wasn't a big deal. But this is what I dressed in:

You are familiar with a lot of these clothes. Brown cotton tunic with embossed insets on the front and the sleeves; Coldwater creek jeans (I am washing these clothes occasionally, so don't panic). I also wore my Bass black zip up ankle boots.
They couldn't be more practical, classic, or comfortable. If I take care of them, I will be able to where them my whole life.
The jewelry is almost all new to you, save those earrings (they go with everything, seriously). On my right wrist, you can see a sculpted silver bangle bracelet, my parents gave it to me for my 16th birthday. I also am wearing a signed Navajo totem charm necklace.This is one of the coolest pieces of jewelry I own. I have to take pictures of these things when I am not wearing them. Again, I see long posts of earrings and necklaces. Riveting reading, hold onto your hats.
Sunday, I didn't feel great, which shows in my demeanor. I was very upset about Heather, I was still in shock. plus, I had a stupid menstrual headache. Oops, was that TMI? That pink shirt with the white "shirt" hanging below it: That is all of a piece, another Costco purchase. Not my favorite. I have a lot of solid color Costco for my old doggie daycare job, as we had to wear solid colored shirts. I didn't want to wear nice enough clothes that I cared if they got ruined by dogs or chemicals.
Now the Capri's. This is their second wear, which is pretty standard for me and pants. With jeans, I usually wear them 3 times, and sometimes, I admit, even a fourth. But look, these are far more awful than they were Friday. I have relegated them to pajamas, or at worst, gym clothes: No more wearing them as "real" clothes. I suspect I have a lot of knits I am going to be equally unhappy with. This is actually becoming a useful way of winnowing and organizing my wardrobe. I ORGANIZED MY CLOSET today. At least what was already in it. I have many more clothes to wash, or get dry cleaned.

As usual, my hair looked like shit. But my necklace was cute:

One of my MANY Wychbury purchases. I just got another packet from them, so I have more fun stuff to show off soon. They created the pansy that is the inspiration for my cover-up tattoo.
Monday I didn't do much, just hung around the house, literally. You may notice I am actually barefoot, which I am trying to not make a habit, I have discovered the more "dressed" I am, the more likely I am to run errands, and go out, which is good for my mental health, and good practice for my social anxiety.
Now I am pretty sure those jeans don't look THAT bad on me. They are just plain old Levis, and I can't recreate that bagginess when I am using my own two eyes. Also, wearing a cheapo Costco henley shirt. AND I noticed a stain on it, so at the end of the day, into the trash it went. So you see, this is a bit like winnowing my wardrobe. Sort of my own little "What Not to Wear."

No jewelry, dirty hair. This is pretty standard when my mood is bobbling around my baseline, I have better and worse days.
On Tuesday, I wore this to my p-doc appt. I know I wore the skirt just the other day, but I thought it was a pretty different look:

I had my hair pulled back, and a Calvin Klein casual scoop-neck long-sleeved top, the sleeves are inset like tiny mutton chop sleeves. Padded shoulders and emphasizing my shoulders (not to 1980s proportions) is supposed to be a good style for apple shaped people. Believe it or not, the shirt looked better tucked in. The necklace is a $2 purchase, it is just faux gold and beads, and it is very long. You can see I have it knotted, and in the picture with DC early in the blog, you can see I am wearing it doubled up. I also am wearing these earrings:

Yes, Wychbury again! They know who I am now. Har.
Today was a double outfit today. That is because I woke up feeling horrible. Seriously awful. I didn't have a headache yet, but I think I staved it off somewhat. Anyway, here I am in jammies, a tshirt, and a jacket (I am always cold when migraine-y

At about 4:30, I started feeling better. I called in my scripts, and realized that on Friday, not only would I have to drive out to Lucky, I wanted to go to Enica's holiday art party at Eni-thing. I decided to just take the American Express gift card Sister2 gave us for our anniversary. DH has spaced on it, and I do want to go to this party, and buy some pretty things, maybe even some early gifts. BUT, I might try to hit up the Sunnyvale GW if I don't get to sleep sometime soon. It is, after all, now 5:30. Who knows, I might stay up and go, then nap. Sigh.
At any rate, I started feeling better, and I decided rather than squeeze in another trip Friday to SBAC dispensary while I was feeling okay, since who knew how I would feel in a bit. Okay, another lesson learned courtesy of the GPS: During rush hour, take side streets. Geez.
DH got home shortly after I did. I actually will admit, I bought a few strains and told him they were purely for headaches, and he was not to smoke it. I also got some hash, since he won't smoke it. That way, at least I know I will have SOMETHING to take every night for the next two weeks, and it is surprisingly cheap. Cannabis is better, but hash will do. I feel bad, I wonder about his dependence, but I actually have more difficulty without it than he. Of course, that is because I start having more migraines, but it also means I have a hard time limiting his intake. Ugh.
More on non fashion topics tomorrow/today.
I haven't posted any outfits in a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been keeping records. And I know this is going to be super self-indulgent, but I am going to also start taking pictures of my jewelry, so I can refer to it. Hey, this is my frivolous "what I wore" blog, as well as my pensive "who AM I" blog.
So, I am just going to show "outfits" in order, and then discuss them as I go along. This should be an absolutely riveting post. But I am learning things.
Friday, it began to cool off, but was still warm. The top is an Exhilaration top by Target (which I am currently boycotting). The pants are those ugly Costco Capri's again. We will see these again soon, and I have more to say on that. The hair pin is one of my larger kanzashi, blue and pink. the usual Birkenstock: In my defense, I have to limit my footwear due to foot reconstruction less than a year ago, with more surgery to come.

I also wore these beautiful earrings, another GW find. Perfect fall colors. No necklace, the scoop neck is elasticized and ruffled.

Saturday, I actually had a reason to dress fairly nicely: NakedJen, DH and I had plans for lunch at our usual Ginormous Whole Foods in Cupertino, a central meeting place in the Silicon Valley for us. But, after I got dressed, fate intervened, in the form of a disgruntled host, and two silly dogs, so she had to run back to Santa Cruz. We see each other enough, it wasn't a big deal. But this is what I dressed in:

You are familiar with a lot of these clothes. Brown cotton tunic with embossed insets on the front and the sleeves; Coldwater creek jeans (I am washing these clothes occasionally, so don't panic). I also wore my Bass black zip up ankle boots.
They couldn't be more practical, classic, or comfortable. If I take care of them, I will be able to where them my whole life.
The jewelry is almost all new to you, save those earrings (they go with everything, seriously). On my right wrist, you can see a sculpted silver bangle bracelet, my parents gave it to me for my 16th birthday. I also am wearing a signed Navajo totem charm necklace.This is one of the coolest pieces of jewelry I own. I have to take pictures of these things when I am not wearing them. Again, I see long posts of earrings and necklaces. Riveting reading, hold onto your hats.
Sunday, I didn't feel great, which shows in my demeanor. I was very upset about Heather, I was still in shock. plus, I had a stupid menstrual headache. Oops, was that TMI? That pink shirt with the white "shirt" hanging below it: That is all of a piece, another Costco purchase. Not my favorite. I have a lot of solid color Costco for my old doggie daycare job, as we had to wear solid colored shirts. I didn't want to wear nice enough clothes that I cared if they got ruined by dogs or chemicals.
Now the Capri's. This is their second wear, which is pretty standard for me and pants. With jeans, I usually wear them 3 times, and sometimes, I admit, even a fourth. But look, these are far more awful than they were Friday. I have relegated them to pajamas, or at worst, gym clothes: No more wearing them as "real" clothes. I suspect I have a lot of knits I am going to be equally unhappy with. This is actually becoming a useful way of winnowing and organizing my wardrobe. I ORGANIZED MY CLOSET today. At least what was already in it. I have many more clothes to wash, or get dry cleaned.

As usual, my hair looked like shit. But my necklace was cute:

One of my MANY Wychbury purchases. I just got another packet from them, so I have more fun stuff to show off soon. They created the pansy that is the inspiration for my cover-up tattoo.
Monday I didn't do much, just hung around the house, literally. You may notice I am actually barefoot, which I am trying to not make a habit, I have discovered the more "dressed" I am, the more likely I am to run errands, and go out, which is good for my mental health, and good practice for my social anxiety.
Now I am pretty sure those jeans don't look THAT bad on me. They are just plain old Levis, and I can't recreate that bagginess when I am using my own two eyes. Also, wearing a cheapo Costco henley shirt. AND I noticed a stain on it, so at the end of the day, into the trash it went. So you see, this is a bit like winnowing my wardrobe. Sort of my own little "What Not to Wear."

No jewelry, dirty hair. This is pretty standard when my mood is bobbling around my baseline, I have better and worse days.
On Tuesday, I wore this to my p-doc appt. I know I wore the skirt just the other day, but I thought it was a pretty different look:

I had my hair pulled back, and a Calvin Klein casual scoop-neck long-sleeved top, the sleeves are inset like tiny mutton chop sleeves. Padded shoulders and emphasizing my shoulders (not to 1980s proportions) is supposed to be a good style for apple shaped people. Believe it or not, the shirt looked better tucked in. The necklace is a $2 purchase, it is just faux gold and beads, and it is very long. You can see I have it knotted, and in the picture with DC early in the blog, you can see I am wearing it doubled up. I also am wearing these earrings:

Yes, Wychbury again! They know who I am now. Har.
Today was a double outfit today. That is because I woke up feeling horrible. Seriously awful. I didn't have a headache yet, but I think I staved it off somewhat. Anyway, here I am in jammies, a tshirt, and a jacket (I am always cold when migraine-y

At about 4:30, I started feeling better. I called in my scripts, and realized that on Friday, not only would I have to drive out to Lucky, I wanted to go to Enica's holiday art party at Eni-thing. I decided to just take the American Express gift card Sister2 gave us for our anniversary. DH has spaced on it, and I do want to go to this party, and buy some pretty things, maybe even some early gifts. BUT, I might try to hit up the Sunnyvale GW if I don't get to sleep sometime soon. It is, after all, now 5:30. Who knows, I might stay up and go, then nap. Sigh.
At any rate, I started feeling better, and I decided rather than squeeze in another trip Friday to SBAC dispensary while I was feeling okay, since who knew how I would feel in a bit. Okay, another lesson learned courtesy of the GPS: During rush hour, take side streets. Geez.
DH got home shortly after I did. I actually will admit, I bought a few strains and told him they were purely for headaches, and he was not to smoke it. I also got some hash, since he won't smoke it. That way, at least I know I will have SOMETHING to take every night for the next two weeks, and it is surprisingly cheap. Cannabis is better, but hash will do. I feel bad, I wonder about his dependence, but I actually have more difficulty without it than he. Of course, that is because I start having more migraines, but it also means I have a hard time limiting his intake. Ugh.
More on non fashion topics tomorrow/today.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I thought I would try vlogging. My thumb is covering up the upper left hand corner, but overall, it was coherent (I know now to speak more clearly). I couldn't get the thumbnail to work, although of course I got the thumbnail to work for the failed first attempt.
So here goes!
So here goes!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Heather is gone
I can't believe it. I feel like the entire medical community let her down, no one took her seriously when she was clearly very ill. I am so pissed right now. Her poor kids.
Heather was the only official "follower" of my blog.
I'm not positive how old she was, but definitely way less than 40. Her oldest son is 16, I think, and she had him at 18 or 19. I can't believe it.
Goodbye, Heather. I will miss you.
Heather was the only official "follower" of my blog.
I'm not positive how old she was, but definitely way less than 40. Her oldest son is 16, I think, and she had him at 18 or 19. I can't believe it.
Goodbye, Heather. I will miss you.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Odds and ends
Well, I am excited, because I have settled on a basic concept for my cover up tattoo. I actually consulted with one of the artists at an Etsy shop I "frequent," and got permission to base the tattoo off of her brooches. My last tattoo was partially based on a Tudor Rose brooch I bought from them. I should have asked permission, but it didn't occur to me, to be honest. It was only after I thought about it that I realized they were owed some credit for my tattoo design. That was a "meaningful" tattoo, because the Tudor Rose was in memory of my Boxer "Good Queen Bess," and it was surrounded by Violets (for guess who).

This time I will be basing it on her pansy brooches, particularly this one. Cover-ups are usually pretty big tattoos, so I am also going to incorporate the Ophelia quotation from "Hamlet": "And there is pansies, that's for thoughts..." which is a an idea directly ripped-off from the shop description of the brooch. But I don't think Shakespeare is protected by copy write. Har. I won't be able to do this for a few months. due to cost, but it is awesome to have settled on the final idea, I am in love with it. And I know H will be excited to start working on a basic design. The last tattoo ended up being a four person project. I came up with the idea, Wychbury provided the model for one part of it, H did the rough design, and Jessica from Staircase Tattoo refined it, and made it look more botanically correct.

So, it has been very hot here, in the mid-90s. Which has, of course, influenced my wardrobe choices. What I wore yesterday: My little Tiffany silver Tudor Rose earrings, a sage green spaghetti strap top I got at GW, which has kind of extra fabric that you tie in front, so it has a layered look. It has spaghetti straps, so I have to wear a camisole with a shelf bra, and in this case, it was a neon green one. I really am not thrilled with my arms, but I tend to wear tank tops a lot. Also, I wore some green denim shorts, also GW. Finally, I wore my Keen flip flops, I guess officially they are Waimea H2.
Here I am:

These are the sandals, although mine are grey:

Today was very hot as well. It also is a day worth remarking on, because it is the first time I have taken a picture of an outfit and thought, "Shriek, that is horrible on me." I couldn't have emphasized my faults better, and the shirt I wore was just too small. So it is going to Goodwill. I guess this is going to be a major aspect of the blog, seeing myself in clothes and saying, "HOLY SHIT!" So I am wearing a camisole (same neon color, different one), the v-neck collared sage and ivory striped shirt that is going to GW, same shorts, and purple Crocs flip flops.

The striped shirt is supposed to be cropped, but I don't think it is supposed to end just below my boobs. And the horizontal stripes are just, well....
I was going to go to a drop in beginning belly dancing class tonight, but then the owner told me the place had no air-conditioning. I decided that would be one thing if I were already in reasonable shape, but trying out a new exercise under the worst possible conditions was not exactly giving the new type of exercise a chance. So I will go next Wednesday.
We got our American Express bill, and it is just deadly. We won't be totally back on our feet until early December (just in time for my family's very competitive holiday gift giving, ugh). Our savings are pretty much zero, although we do have stocks we could sell, so we do have some net worth. We won't have to sell them unless there is an emergency, so that is good. Still, even though we wiped out are savings, that is what savings is for, right? We got through 10 months, and they always say save up 6 months. So we obviously had passed that goal. But now we are starting over. First savings goal, save 10k. It is like going back to the beginning of our marriage.
My mood chart says my function has gone from good to moderate. I agree. I have a lot of signs of hypo mania, but unfortunately, none of the useful ones. Mostly agitation, sleeplessness, over-eating, but none of that energy, or the "high." I am anxious about seeing my shrink, our last meeting did not end on a happy note, and now this will be our last meeting before he goes on sabbatical. Ugh, a new psychiatrist. I really like *this* guy, even if we did have a bit of a tiff.
NakedJen has landed in Santa Cruz with her doggie companions, Stella and Buddha. DH and I will be seeing her on Saturday. On Sunday, I am going to a "bird class," to learn about bird care, because we might be getting a bird! DH seems to waver back and forth on it. I am very interested, but if he doesn't want one, there is no point. It was supposed to be kind of a "concession" to him, although that isn't the right word. I just mean it was his turn to get something he wanted, and it was a bird. But now he is going back and forth. My biggest concern is that the bird will shriek while I have migraines, and I will want to kill it. Joking. Sort of. The cage would have to be in our room, there is no room elsewhere, and the light setup is the best and healthiest for a bird, as well. Violet's "hang out" is in the study, so we could have them both secured in separate rooms when we left (I would NEVER leave Violet with access to the bird while I wasn't there.
In other, more alternative news, the weekend after this coming one (23rd-24th) I start classes at Oaksterdam University, where I have my first medical cannabis course, Basic 101 Weekend . This course is a 1/2 of their Classic Curriculum. Their Classic Curriculum lasts 13 weeks, the way I am doing it is over two weekends classes. I am very psyched about this.
Well, I think my shopping is mostly done for a while, but I still have tons and tons of finds to show off to those of you who have not already had the misfortune of being forced to look at them as I purchased them. And I am also sure I will have just as many appalling outfits to post. I need it to cool off, I have many more things to wear once it goes into the 60s.

This time I will be basing it on her pansy brooches, particularly this one. Cover-ups are usually pretty big tattoos, so I am also going to incorporate the Ophelia quotation from "Hamlet": "And there is pansies, that's for thoughts..." which is a an idea directly ripped-off from the shop description of the brooch. But I don't think Shakespeare is protected by copy write. Har. I won't be able to do this for a few months. due to cost, but it is awesome to have settled on the final idea, I am in love with it. And I know H will be excited to start working on a basic design. The last tattoo ended up being a four person project. I came up with the idea, Wychbury provided the model for one part of it, H did the rough design, and Jessica from Staircase Tattoo refined it, and made it look more botanically correct.

So, it has been very hot here, in the mid-90s. Which has, of course, influenced my wardrobe choices. What I wore yesterday: My little Tiffany silver Tudor Rose earrings, a sage green spaghetti strap top I got at GW, which has kind of extra fabric that you tie in front, so it has a layered look. It has spaghetti straps, so I have to wear a camisole with a shelf bra, and in this case, it was a neon green one. I really am not thrilled with my arms, but I tend to wear tank tops a lot. Also, I wore some green denim shorts, also GW. Finally, I wore my Keen flip flops, I guess officially they are Waimea H2.
Here I am:

These are the sandals, although mine are grey:

Today was very hot as well. It also is a day worth remarking on, because it is the first time I have taken a picture of an outfit and thought, "Shriek, that is horrible on me." I couldn't have emphasized my faults better, and the shirt I wore was just too small. So it is going to Goodwill. I guess this is going to be a major aspect of the blog, seeing myself in clothes and saying, "HOLY SHIT!" So I am wearing a camisole (same neon color, different one), the v-neck collared sage and ivory striped shirt that is going to GW, same shorts, and purple Crocs flip flops.

The striped shirt is supposed to be cropped, but I don't think it is supposed to end just below my boobs. And the horizontal stripes are just, well....
I was going to go to a drop in beginning belly dancing class tonight, but then the owner told me the place had no air-conditioning. I decided that would be one thing if I were already in reasonable shape, but trying out a new exercise under the worst possible conditions was not exactly giving the new type of exercise a chance. So I will go next Wednesday.
We got our American Express bill, and it is just deadly. We won't be totally back on our feet until early December (just in time for my family's very competitive holiday gift giving, ugh). Our savings are pretty much zero, although we do have stocks we could sell, so we do have some net worth. We won't have to sell them unless there is an emergency, so that is good. Still, even though we wiped out are savings, that is what savings is for, right? We got through 10 months, and they always say save up 6 months. So we obviously had passed that goal. But now we are starting over. First savings goal, save 10k. It is like going back to the beginning of our marriage.
My mood chart says my function has gone from good to moderate. I agree. I have a lot of signs of hypo mania, but unfortunately, none of the useful ones. Mostly agitation, sleeplessness, over-eating, but none of that energy, or the "high." I am anxious about seeing my shrink, our last meeting did not end on a happy note, and now this will be our last meeting before he goes on sabbatical. Ugh, a new psychiatrist. I really like *this* guy, even if we did have a bit of a tiff.
NakedJen has landed in Santa Cruz with her doggie companions, Stella and Buddha. DH and I will be seeing her on Saturday. On Sunday, I am going to a "bird class," to learn about bird care, because we might be getting a bird! DH seems to waver back and forth on it. I am very interested, but if he doesn't want one, there is no point. It was supposed to be kind of a "concession" to him, although that isn't the right word. I just mean it was his turn to get something he wanted, and it was a bird. But now he is going back and forth. My biggest concern is that the bird will shriek while I have migraines, and I will want to kill it. Joking. Sort of. The cage would have to be in our room, there is no room elsewhere, and the light setup is the best and healthiest for a bird, as well. Violet's "hang out" is in the study, so we could have them both secured in separate rooms when we left (I would NEVER leave Violet with access to the bird while I wasn't there.
In other, more alternative news, the weekend after this coming one (23rd-24th) I start classes at Oaksterdam University, where I have my first medical cannabis course, Basic 101 Weekend . This course is a 1/2 of their Classic Curriculum. Their Classic Curriculum lasts 13 weeks, the way I am doing it is over two weekends classes. I am very psyched about this.
Well, I think my shopping is mostly done for a while, but I still have tons and tons of finds to show off to those of you who have not already had the misfortune of being forced to look at them as I purchased them. And I am also sure I will have just as many appalling outfits to post. I need it to cool off, I have many more things to wear once it goes into the 60s.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Shopping Blitz

Vintage (80sish) burgundy crinkly cotton maxi-skirt (new with tags), and sage green cropped blouse. The blouse has a patchwork of the fabric, with different patterns of embroidery on each panel. I also wore some black leather skimmers. There's my little green purse again.
I have now been awake for 29 hours, and am getting my second wind. Ugh. Hypo mania, here I come. Well, I see the Dr. in literally a week. You probably cannot have failed to notice that my shopping is somewhat compulsive. It is like some kind of emotional compromise I have made with myself about spending when I am "high," it is okay to buy a lot of things, if I don't pay a lot over all. This can actually still get me into trouble, but would be more of an issue if I were shopping for clothes in the mall. I used to shop for a lot of my clothes on eBay, and this is even less expensive. Hey, cannabis is expensive, we save where we can. Uh, right, I am an AWESOME saver.
Anyway, I put all this energy to good use this morning. DH overslept, and I took him into work, since I was awake anyway. Then I decided to try a Salvation Army, and went to the main San Jose branch. When I first walked in, it did NOT look promising, but it was absolutely enormous. I decided not to even look at skirts, pants or shorts, and focus solely on tops. While I was looking, the manager of the store announced that they were clearing out inventory, and you would get one item of equal or lesser price for free with another item.
One thing I noticed right away was that they weren't as picky about what they put on the floor as Goodwill. They leave it up to you to find any tears or stains, although in my opinion, they pretty much pointedly marked things down with defects. I realized I had really honed my technique, I can get through a lot of clothes fast, and know what spots to look at quickly for wear and tear. If I have any hesitation over it, I don't pull it. There is plenty there to try on, I shouldn't waste time on stuff I already don't really like, or that might be too tired.
The cool thing was when I checked out, they used the highest priced item, and the next highest priced item as the free item, it wasn't like they chose the lowest half of the prices. So I got 8 pieces of clothing, for $29.94. Good lord, I scare myself, I remind myself of my grandmother. But she would buy things on sale JUST because they were on sale. She once bought 50 house coats, because, "They were just $2 each!" Of course, neither she nor anyone she knew actually wore house coats. There is a horrific throw back, do you remember house coats?
So, this is one of those horrific lists of things I bought. I am such a spoiled housewife, but at least I know it. I moved the date up for my first class, so that will actually be the weekend after this one. Oops, I better make a hotel reservation.... But anyway, it is the worst kind of consumption, but at least it is "re-using and recycling," and it really is not expensive.
I was heavy on the red spectrum and the sweaters and jackets. I have to go through my shirts, some of them have holes in them from dog teeth, and that sort of thing, I may need a couple more dressy tops, but other than that, I really am set for the fall and winter.
Burgundy-ish crochet short sleeved cardigan, the sleeves are kind of like longer flutter sleeves. I think the brand is not a very good one, White Stag; that could be a Wal-mart front, but I figure they aren't getting the money.

Sky blue sweater vest, it looks handmade. It is open down the sides almost to the waist band:

I am beginning to have a little trouble switching back and forth between windows, especially as I have Flickr open in Firefox, and this open in Safari, since I have two separate gmail accounts, one signed in on each browser. So I could stop this post at some point.
Black cotton cable knit sweater with rolled collar. Sorry about the glare, it was 90 today:

Red asymmetrical linen-blend tunic with wood buttons, can be worn alone or over something:

The glare made this blouse very hard to see: It is a metallic red blouse, with back and gold threads through it. But while shimmery, it would be appropriate for an office, Not that I am likely to wear it to an office, that is more likely for dressing up for me. Fabric covered buttons, which I always really like:

You can see red is definitely a theme here. A red wool blazer, it skims over my body pretty well, which is what I need clothes to do. Another woman shopping next to me actually insisted I buy it. Har. I forget what shape this is called, but I wore this shape a lot when I was practicing law, so for some reason, it must be a good cut on me.

I love this, I have to think of how I will use it though. Hot pink linen Ralph Lauren box-y blazer, it hits me at just below the hip, which is a good place for me.

This picture doesn't really do a fair job of showing this next jacket off. It has a really nice look to the fabric, kind of pseudo-suede-y. It is actually the nicest piece I bought, but it looks washed out in the photo. This is a deep red cropped jacket. I can wear this with a zillion things. Red can be a great neutral, I have learned.

There! I think that is it for this trip! I actually have a few things to show you from last week, but I actually am getting pooped, and I can't look a gift foot in the mouth, or something.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Lush Lust, Fear of Makeup, and what makes a girly-girl, Part the Second
So while I could rant and rave some more about Lush, I have decided to restrain myself for the moment, and move onto other topics. See, I didn't even link to their site.
As I said earlier, this blog was a response to nakedjen's series on makeup that she wrote to participate in a project by Rabbit Write. It made me think about how makeup has played different roles in my life at different times. In Junior High, it was about rebellion and exploring sexuality. In High School, it was de rigeur, I didn't even think about it. I didn't care if people saw me without makeup, but my routine was to wear it.
In college, I continued to wear it, more or less. I started to suffer my first depression my freshman year of college. Makeup became a little more erratic during those periods. And I went through extremes. At one point, I spent over $100 buying makeup at the Coop, allowing a middle aged, over made-up woman convince me to buy everything from moisturizer to powder, as if it were soup to nuts. I was probably a little hypo manic, but of course, I had no clue about those things in those days. $100 was a lot of money for me. It was technically a month's allowance (although I can genuinely say this was ridiculously low: Even the students receiving full scholarships were given more spending money than that). I worked under the table, because my parents had some arrangement with their taxes to help pay my tuition. But it wasn't much. But usually I just wore eye liner, and mascara, and maybe some blusher. I did that pretty consistently through the age of 25.
Then I got terribly sick, and almost died of a systemic infection while I was teaching at a boarding school, and they wouldn't give me the necessary time off to recover (a long story). I struggled to get through the final semester, one during which I already knew I had been laid off. So I was looking for work, weak from illness, and becoming clinically depressed (I was already under treatment at that point). At that point, I stopped wearing makeup for about three years. I had to start wearing it again when I began working clinics at law school, there is just a certain standard attire that attorneys wear, and you don't want to attract attention to yourself, when your client should be the focus.
In spite of living in San Francisco during law school, a city in which there seems to be an ordinance requiring women to wear lipstick, I never started to wear it. Most women wore it because it was protective against the wind in SF, which chapped their lips. Carmex was another big item, the men tended to use that. But I found I unconsciously chewed lipstick, Carmex, chapstick, whatever, off my lips. So between dampening them and chewing on them, lipstick made it much, much worse. Nonetheless, I am one of those people whose smile splits their lips into a bloody mess during part of every year. The most I wear is a touch of stain (as in, I put on a little lipstick, then blot my lips like crazy so there is no sticky feeling).
It was around this time, that I began to feel a little clownish in makeup. I would see pictures of me, and my cheeks looked insanely red, instead, of highlighted. My eye makeup would smear, and create dark circles of mascara and eyeliner around the rim of my eyes. I also began to rub my eyes more, because of allergies. This meant I was getting makeup in my eyes, and irritating the hell out of them. At this point, I tried switching from Clinique (which was what everyone I knew wore), to Origins, which touted itself has a natural, hypo-allergenic, alternative makeup. But I didn't like their narrow range of colors (this was when they first appeared), and wearing it actually seemed to make things worse.
So I rededicated myself to just doing my eyes, with an occasional touch of blusher for special occasions, although I began to hate it so much, I soon stopped wearing it at all. I began to realize that my two straight sisters, who were very fashion conscious, seemed to have somehow magically acquired make-up skills I had not. I still had the awkward hand of a 13 year-old, whereas makeup enhanced their looks, without being obvious. I have no idea where they learned such things. My mother never wore make-up, and as a rather simple-minded feminist, didn't approve of our wearing it. Don't get me wrong, I am a rabid feminist, but there are some people whose grasp of the movement is so rudimentary, it is almost parochial.
But my sisters had more girlfriends in high school than I did. Our prep school went co-ed 4 years before I began to attend, so girls made up just 20% of the student body. By the time my youngest sisters were attending, it was more like 40%. I enjoyed being in a very "male" school. I wasn't precocious sexually, so while I was interested in boys, I wasn't really interested in sexual relationships. I played Dungeons & Dragons, Ultimate Frisbee, and hung out with the Theater Geeks, who at that point were still largely male. Yet in spite of our shared interest in theater, the guys and I did not swap makeup tips. I had no one who could teach me how to wear it, so I largely imitated what I saw the other teenage girls do. I remember candy flavored Bonne Belle lip gloss, blech. But I used it. And Charlie perfume. It was what everyone else at my school wore. What a cacophony of scents that must have been.
When I went to France at 17, and accidentally stumbled on a French cologne that just smelled amazing on me, Courreges En Bleu (the "in" is a bastardization for Americans), I considered myself kind of avant garde for wearing it. A real French scent! I wore it for years. Anyway, my sisters gave me a few tips about how to do my eyes, and I can now do kind of a "daily wear" look that is acceptable, and a mildly more sophisticated party look.
Wow, this is so not interesting. But I have gone this far.
I continued to wear makeup for work throughout most of my adult life, until I was about 36. At that point, I met DH. He wasn't interested in makeup, and like a lot of guys, insisted I wore it for other women, and not for men. Not that I think his premise was entirely wrong. But I genuinely felt it made me more attractive, period, it wasn't truly directed at either gender. I wore as much makeup for my copious number of gay friends as I did on dates. Although come to think of it, my gay male friends approved of when I put myself together particularly well, and made a big fuss over me. I always was told I looked "amazing" when I dressed for club events. I remember the New Year's before I met DH, I bought a brown velvet short-sleeved, A-line shift. I was at my thinnest ever as an adult (a side effect of Depakote, although it usually makes people gain weight). I had a fresh haircut, from my fabulous stylist, who next I am in Pittsburgh, I should probably go see for old times' sake: he did my hair for my wedding. I actually not only used product on my hair, something I do maybe once ever 6 months, for once it actually came out perfectly. I had some sparkly jewelry, and hair pins. I was one of the few straight people at the New Year's party, but I got a ton of attention.
I met DH two months later. I still did a lot of volunteer work in the GLBT community, especially with syringe exchange and as a youth chaperone for our GLBTQ youth group at the Pittsburgh GLCC. But I wasn't as involved in the social life as I had been. A few months later, I was out of work, but engaged. I started only wearing makeup for special occasions, but I felt less and less skilled at it.
For our wedding, I got a lesson from a makeup artist, who was actually supposed to do my makeup on my wedding day. As usual, the schedule went to hell, so I cancelled, and decided to do it myself by memory. I remember I bought a special foundation that my sister actually made me stop and buy on my way from the red eye between SFO and PIT (with a stopover in Charlotte, ugh). Clarins, of some sort. I have a funny memory, it is kind of steel trap. I remember incidents in my friends lives, and mention them, and they say they had entirely forgotten about that, until I mentioned it.
My wedding was really the last time I wore makeup with any regularity. Over the years, I had accumulated a rather large supply of makeup, and as gross as it is, I didn't know any better, and used it on the occasions I did get dressed up. It looked horrible. Of course. I started working with dogs, the first job where makeup was actually inappropriate. I threw out all of my makeup, and didn't wear any again until my sister's wedding in 2006. My sister, the fashion maven, the good looking one, a VP of Buying at Neiman Marcus. Also, she was getting married in Florence (where she did an exchange year, she is fluent in Italian), and was paying for our hotel, and half our airfare, making it a trip to Europe for what it would have cost to go to a US wedding. It was the first semi-formal evening wedding I had ever been to, as well.
At this point, I was no longer thin. I felt big and coarse. I had a farmer's tan from working in the Sun with dogs. I knew I had no eye for what looked good on me, which is why this very sister flew out to Pittsburgh to go dress shopping for my wedding: she was the only family member who could guess what would flatter me. But that was not an option this time, she was a little busy planning her overseas wedding, and my dress was probably not the highest priority. NakedJen to the rescue! She not only helped me pick out an appropriate dress, she made sure I got shoes that would work with it, and lent me her evening wrap.
I also felt like I had to wear makeup for this. My sister's friends were all very appearance oriented (not that they are jerks to others about it, but it matters to them how they look). I knew people would be wearing designer dresses, and have their hair up, and everything. So I decided I had to get some makeup, and I had to get my nails done. I got acrylics for the first time ever (which was an experiment that lasted three months, what a waste of time). The cool thing is my nails really show up in the pictures of my pointing to features at Stonehenge. That was about the only thing that was cool, although I received lots of compliments. I imitated Sister3's makeup, so I didn't feel too bad. Sister3, Sister2, Sister1, and myself:

So I thought that was the last of the makeup for a while. I threw out a lot of stuff.
But as often happens as bipolar people age, the type of episodes, and the frequency with which I was having them, was increasing. For the first time I started having mixed episodes, which even people who experience psychoses say is the single most miserable type of mood episode to have. I now have those about three times a year, my last really bad one was in May/June. In addition, as I swung towards a mixed episode, I often passed through a period of hypo mania. Sometimes I stop at hypo mania, sometimes I will go on to have a minor mania, but the point is, my illness took a sharp turn in the spring of 2006.
Along with hypo mania (and mania) comes flamboyance, and wasteful spending on things that seem ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL at the time you buy them. Things like purses, and glass ornaments, and (I admit it) costume jewelry, and shoes. I have been lucky in that I have only gotten myself into financial trouble once, it was from a mix of my mood disorder and hospital bills (this was that awful year, when I was 25), and I pulled myself out of the financial hole bit by bit, and then DH helped me get entirely back on track. At one point, the FDIC wouldn't allow me to have a bank account, because I had bounced so many checks. The symptoms of bipolar illness are not just physical.
During one of the episodes I have had recently, I bought some makeup at Costco: Their Kirkland Brand Borghese Mineral Make Up kit, and mascara. I liked it, but I didn't wear it too often. I wasn't happy with my skin, and while I do believe that the mineral makeup is safer for my skin, I don't believe it has any curative properties, the way many claim it does. Also, I didn't really have any nice eyeliner. I tried the Kirkland version of ProActiv, but while it did work to an extent, it dried out my skin, and I couldn't find the balance between pimply and flaky. I just didn't like to look at my face.
Then, in spite of DH's unemployment (he was unemployed for 10 months, and I only worked for three months of that time, very part-time, earning very little), he told me to go with NakedJen back to the Oregon Country Fair for the second time in a row. The OCF is the best time evah. It is music, and magic, and costumes, and food, and performances, and crafts, and art, and just fun. It has stretched my boundaries both years I have gone. I have come back floating on a cloud both times as well. Last year I went with DH, this year I went on my own, and met NJ and her friend D in Veneta (which I finally learned to pronounce correctly this year).
I had beyond hinted that I wanted to go. I had basically oozed desire to go to the Fair all year long. When he got laid off in October, there was a little voice in the back of my head that said, "Surely he will be working in time for the OCF, right?" Awful of me, but true. When he told me to just go, and not worry about it, I was ecstatic. I was also in the middle of a rather bad episode, that seemed to teeter between hypo mania and a mixed state. I was frenetic, and I wanted to buy things. The Fair is about festive dress, and while I had had some clothes last year, I new I had to add to my "fairy" wardrobe. Fortunately, by sheer happenstance, the best place to go shopping for this kind of thing is vintage and thrift stores, or the monetary damage would have been pretty bad. I shopped and shopped. I started to buy makeup for the fair, as well. Eyeliner, eyeshadow, glitter, mascara. And I began to practice. I decided no one was here to see me, except for DH, and I just told him I was practicing with makeup, and some of it was going to look awful, and I was going to take it off right after I put it on, to try again, so he wouldn't have to suffer through any particular look for long. He was surprised I was so concerned about what he thought. I can be kind of defensive about things I don't feel confident about sometimes (do I really need two "abouts" in that sentence? Hmmm).
So I practiced. Every night. And because I was hypo, I caked it on, and looked like I belonged in the Cirque de Soleil (which by the way, would have been a totally appropriate look for the OCF, but was not what I was after). I wore makeup on the first day of the fair, and I wasn't thrilled with it. But it all melted off my face anyway, in the unbelievable heat and humidity of that day. After that, I stuck to the famous MAC Glitter, spreading it all over my face, hair, overexposed chest, etc. I was complimented all day. I also was wearing my most fun purchase that day, a little bustle over skirt. I had unknowingly brought a black skort, which was just the right length for the bustle. The only picture of me at the Oregon Country Fair:

I came home with a new interest in makeup. I started to wear it just a bit more. Especially eye makeup, but I began to wear a bit of the mineral foundation, it was so light. For going out, I started wearing the very pale pink mineral eye shadow, that just had a glisten to it, and grey and purple eyeliner (not at the same time), to go with my green eyes. I put just a dusting of blush on my cheeks, and what I liked was I could rub off a little, so it blended and lightened, and I didn't feel so clown-like.
I still struggled with certain aspects. But I for some reason kept practicing, even after the fair. And then, just about 8 weeks later, I went to Lush, and started cleaning my skin with their products, and suddenly, my skin is really nice. I can wear foundation or not, it looks good. And I don't feel a little bit phony, the way I always used to, when I was made up, with obvious acne, as if I were somehow pretending it wasn't there (I know, that is definitely a weird train of thought, but remember, I'm nuts).
Because I had not really used makeup so regularly in so long, I had things divided up into ziploc bags: Eye makeup in one, lipsticks and gloss in another, blush in another. It was unwieldy and ugly. And then one day I happened across this at a Goodwill:

What caught my eye (as DC can probably guess) is that it has a very similar logo to It's a Girl Thing's shop sign. But I also loved how feminine it was. And Principessa, it was like a cross between a fairy tale and a trip to Italy. So I bought it, and crossed my fingers that my makeup would fit, because it was kind of petite, not full lunchbox sized. In fact, Principessa is a line of cosmetics, and the box was part of a gift set that had been used up (I research the strangest things). Anyway, here it is, with the makeup put away:

So I am back to wearing makeup again. I still feel like I have a bit of a heavy hand, and tend to wipe a lot of color off my face whenever I put it on. But I don't feel like I am freakish. I am a bit hypo/mixed right now, and I am wondering how long this will last.
But it makes me feel really feminine, in a way it never has in and of itself before now. I still am scared of the Cirque du Soleil look creeping up on me, but I feel better when I am wearing it. Clothes are making me feel more feminine, too. It is funny at 47 I am having this sudden urge to enhance my femininity. Or maybe it is totally not funny, maybe it is to be expected, as one way of confronting the next stage of my life as a woman. I am deep in to peri-menopause. Maybe this is my way of countering aging.
Plus ça change, plus c'est la meme chose....
As I said earlier, this blog was a response to nakedjen's series on makeup that she wrote to participate in a project by Rabbit Write. It made me think about how makeup has played different roles in my life at different times. In Junior High, it was about rebellion and exploring sexuality. In High School, it was de rigeur, I didn't even think about it. I didn't care if people saw me without makeup, but my routine was to wear it.
In college, I continued to wear it, more or less. I started to suffer my first depression my freshman year of college. Makeup became a little more erratic during those periods. And I went through extremes. At one point, I spent over $100 buying makeup at the Coop, allowing a middle aged, over made-up woman convince me to buy everything from moisturizer to powder, as if it were soup to nuts. I was probably a little hypo manic, but of course, I had no clue about those things in those days. $100 was a lot of money for me. It was technically a month's allowance (although I can genuinely say this was ridiculously low: Even the students receiving full scholarships were given more spending money than that). I worked under the table, because my parents had some arrangement with their taxes to help pay my tuition. But it wasn't much. But usually I just wore eye liner, and mascara, and maybe some blusher. I did that pretty consistently through the age of 25.
Then I got terribly sick, and almost died of a systemic infection while I was teaching at a boarding school, and they wouldn't give me the necessary time off to recover (a long story). I struggled to get through the final semester, one during which I already knew I had been laid off. So I was looking for work, weak from illness, and becoming clinically depressed (I was already under treatment at that point). At that point, I stopped wearing makeup for about three years. I had to start wearing it again when I began working clinics at law school, there is just a certain standard attire that attorneys wear, and you don't want to attract attention to yourself, when your client should be the focus.
In spite of living in San Francisco during law school, a city in which there seems to be an ordinance requiring women to wear lipstick, I never started to wear it. Most women wore it because it was protective against the wind in SF, which chapped their lips. Carmex was another big item, the men tended to use that. But I found I unconsciously chewed lipstick, Carmex, chapstick, whatever, off my lips. So between dampening them and chewing on them, lipstick made it much, much worse. Nonetheless, I am one of those people whose smile splits their lips into a bloody mess during part of every year. The most I wear is a touch of stain (as in, I put on a little lipstick, then blot my lips like crazy so there is no sticky feeling).
It was around this time, that I began to feel a little clownish in makeup. I would see pictures of me, and my cheeks looked insanely red, instead, of highlighted. My eye makeup would smear, and create dark circles of mascara and eyeliner around the rim of my eyes. I also began to rub my eyes more, because of allergies. This meant I was getting makeup in my eyes, and irritating the hell out of them. At this point, I tried switching from Clinique (which was what everyone I knew wore), to Origins, which touted itself has a natural, hypo-allergenic, alternative makeup. But I didn't like their narrow range of colors (this was when they first appeared), and wearing it actually seemed to make things worse.
So I rededicated myself to just doing my eyes, with an occasional touch of blusher for special occasions, although I began to hate it so much, I soon stopped wearing it at all. I began to realize that my two straight sisters, who were very fashion conscious, seemed to have somehow magically acquired make-up skills I had not. I still had the awkward hand of a 13 year-old, whereas makeup enhanced their looks, without being obvious. I have no idea where they learned such things. My mother never wore make-up, and as a rather simple-minded feminist, didn't approve of our wearing it. Don't get me wrong, I am a rabid feminist, but there are some people whose grasp of the movement is so rudimentary, it is almost parochial.
But my sisters had more girlfriends in high school than I did. Our prep school went co-ed 4 years before I began to attend, so girls made up just 20% of the student body. By the time my youngest sisters were attending, it was more like 40%. I enjoyed being in a very "male" school. I wasn't precocious sexually, so while I was interested in boys, I wasn't really interested in sexual relationships. I played Dungeons & Dragons, Ultimate Frisbee, and hung out with the Theater Geeks, who at that point were still largely male. Yet in spite of our shared interest in theater, the guys and I did not swap makeup tips. I had no one who could teach me how to wear it, so I largely imitated what I saw the other teenage girls do. I remember candy flavored Bonne Belle lip gloss, blech. But I used it. And Charlie perfume. It was what everyone else at my school wore. What a cacophony of scents that must have been.
When I went to France at 17, and accidentally stumbled on a French cologne that just smelled amazing on me, Courreges En Bleu (the "in" is a bastardization for Americans), I considered myself kind of avant garde for wearing it. A real French scent! I wore it for years. Anyway, my sisters gave me a few tips about how to do my eyes, and I can now do kind of a "daily wear" look that is acceptable, and a mildly more sophisticated party look.
Wow, this is so not interesting. But I have gone this far.
I continued to wear makeup for work throughout most of my adult life, until I was about 36. At that point, I met DH. He wasn't interested in makeup, and like a lot of guys, insisted I wore it for other women, and not for men. Not that I think his premise was entirely wrong. But I genuinely felt it made me more attractive, period, it wasn't truly directed at either gender. I wore as much makeup for my copious number of gay friends as I did on dates. Although come to think of it, my gay male friends approved of when I put myself together particularly well, and made a big fuss over me. I always was told I looked "amazing" when I dressed for club events. I remember the New Year's before I met DH, I bought a brown velvet short-sleeved, A-line shift. I was at my thinnest ever as an adult (a side effect of Depakote, although it usually makes people gain weight). I had a fresh haircut, from my fabulous stylist, who next I am in Pittsburgh, I should probably go see for old times' sake: he did my hair for my wedding. I actually not only used product on my hair, something I do maybe once ever 6 months, for once it actually came out perfectly. I had some sparkly jewelry, and hair pins. I was one of the few straight people at the New Year's party, but I got a ton of attention.
I met DH two months later. I still did a lot of volunteer work in the GLBT community, especially with syringe exchange and as a youth chaperone for our GLBTQ youth group at the Pittsburgh GLCC. But I wasn't as involved in the social life as I had been. A few months later, I was out of work, but engaged. I started only wearing makeup for special occasions, but I felt less and less skilled at it.
For our wedding, I got a lesson from a makeup artist, who was actually supposed to do my makeup on my wedding day. As usual, the schedule went to hell, so I cancelled, and decided to do it myself by memory. I remember I bought a special foundation that my sister actually made me stop and buy on my way from the red eye between SFO and PIT (with a stopover in Charlotte, ugh). Clarins, of some sort. I have a funny memory, it is kind of steel trap. I remember incidents in my friends lives, and mention them, and they say they had entirely forgotten about that, until I mentioned it.
My wedding was really the last time I wore makeup with any regularity. Over the years, I had accumulated a rather large supply of makeup, and as gross as it is, I didn't know any better, and used it on the occasions I did get dressed up. It looked horrible. Of course. I started working with dogs, the first job where makeup was actually inappropriate. I threw out all of my makeup, and didn't wear any again until my sister's wedding in 2006. My sister, the fashion maven, the good looking one, a VP of Buying at Neiman Marcus. Also, she was getting married in Florence (where she did an exchange year, she is fluent in Italian), and was paying for our hotel, and half our airfare, making it a trip to Europe for what it would have cost to go to a US wedding. It was the first semi-formal evening wedding I had ever been to, as well.
At this point, I was no longer thin. I felt big and coarse. I had a farmer's tan from working in the Sun with dogs. I knew I had no eye for what looked good on me, which is why this very sister flew out to Pittsburgh to go dress shopping for my wedding: she was the only family member who could guess what would flatter me. But that was not an option this time, she was a little busy planning her overseas wedding, and my dress was probably not the highest priority. NakedJen to the rescue! She not only helped me pick out an appropriate dress, she made sure I got shoes that would work with it, and lent me her evening wrap.
I also felt like I had to wear makeup for this. My sister's friends were all very appearance oriented (not that they are jerks to others about it, but it matters to them how they look). I knew people would be wearing designer dresses, and have their hair up, and everything. So I decided I had to get some makeup, and I had to get my nails done. I got acrylics for the first time ever (which was an experiment that lasted three months, what a waste of time). The cool thing is my nails really show up in the pictures of my pointing to features at Stonehenge. That was about the only thing that was cool, although I received lots of compliments. I imitated Sister3's makeup, so I didn't feel too bad. Sister3, Sister2, Sister1, and myself:

So I thought that was the last of the makeup for a while. I threw out a lot of stuff.
But as often happens as bipolar people age, the type of episodes, and the frequency with which I was having them, was increasing. For the first time I started having mixed episodes, which even people who experience psychoses say is the single most miserable type of mood episode to have. I now have those about three times a year, my last really bad one was in May/June. In addition, as I swung towards a mixed episode, I often passed through a period of hypo mania. Sometimes I stop at hypo mania, sometimes I will go on to have a minor mania, but the point is, my illness took a sharp turn in the spring of 2006.
Along with hypo mania (and mania) comes flamboyance, and wasteful spending on things that seem ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL at the time you buy them. Things like purses, and glass ornaments, and (I admit it) costume jewelry, and shoes. I have been lucky in that I have only gotten myself into financial trouble once, it was from a mix of my mood disorder and hospital bills (this was that awful year, when I was 25), and I pulled myself out of the financial hole bit by bit, and then DH helped me get entirely back on track. At one point, the FDIC wouldn't allow me to have a bank account, because I had bounced so many checks. The symptoms of bipolar illness are not just physical.
During one of the episodes I have had recently, I bought some makeup at Costco: Their Kirkland Brand Borghese Mineral Make Up kit, and mascara. I liked it, but I didn't wear it too often. I wasn't happy with my skin, and while I do believe that the mineral makeup is safer for my skin, I don't believe it has any curative properties, the way many claim it does. Also, I didn't really have any nice eyeliner. I tried the Kirkland version of ProActiv, but while it did work to an extent, it dried out my skin, and I couldn't find the balance between pimply and flaky. I just didn't like to look at my face.
Then, in spite of DH's unemployment (he was unemployed for 10 months, and I only worked for three months of that time, very part-time, earning very little), he told me to go with NakedJen back to the Oregon Country Fair for the second time in a row. The OCF is the best time evah. It is music, and magic, and costumes, and food, and performances, and crafts, and art, and just fun. It has stretched my boundaries both years I have gone. I have come back floating on a cloud both times as well. Last year I went with DH, this year I went on my own, and met NJ and her friend D in Veneta (which I finally learned to pronounce correctly this year).
I had beyond hinted that I wanted to go. I had basically oozed desire to go to the Fair all year long. When he got laid off in October, there was a little voice in the back of my head that said, "Surely he will be working in time for the OCF, right?" Awful of me, but true. When he told me to just go, and not worry about it, I was ecstatic. I was also in the middle of a rather bad episode, that seemed to teeter between hypo mania and a mixed state. I was frenetic, and I wanted to buy things. The Fair is about festive dress, and while I had had some clothes last year, I new I had to add to my "fairy" wardrobe. Fortunately, by sheer happenstance, the best place to go shopping for this kind of thing is vintage and thrift stores, or the monetary damage would have been pretty bad. I shopped and shopped. I started to buy makeup for the fair, as well. Eyeliner, eyeshadow, glitter, mascara. And I began to practice. I decided no one was here to see me, except for DH, and I just told him I was practicing with makeup, and some of it was going to look awful, and I was going to take it off right after I put it on, to try again, so he wouldn't have to suffer through any particular look for long. He was surprised I was so concerned about what he thought. I can be kind of defensive about things I don't feel confident about sometimes (do I really need two "abouts" in that sentence? Hmmm).
So I practiced. Every night. And because I was hypo, I caked it on, and looked like I belonged in the Cirque de Soleil (which by the way, would have been a totally appropriate look for the OCF, but was not what I was after). I wore makeup on the first day of the fair, and I wasn't thrilled with it. But it all melted off my face anyway, in the unbelievable heat and humidity of that day. After that, I stuck to the famous MAC Glitter, spreading it all over my face, hair, overexposed chest, etc. I was complimented all day. I also was wearing my most fun purchase that day, a little bustle over skirt. I had unknowingly brought a black skort, which was just the right length for the bustle. The only picture of me at the Oregon Country Fair:

I came home with a new interest in makeup. I started to wear it just a bit more. Especially eye makeup, but I began to wear a bit of the mineral foundation, it was so light. For going out, I started wearing the very pale pink mineral eye shadow, that just had a glisten to it, and grey and purple eyeliner (not at the same time), to go with my green eyes. I put just a dusting of blush on my cheeks, and what I liked was I could rub off a little, so it blended and lightened, and I didn't feel so clown-like.
I still struggled with certain aspects. But I for some reason kept practicing, even after the fair. And then, just about 8 weeks later, I went to Lush, and started cleaning my skin with their products, and suddenly, my skin is really nice. I can wear foundation or not, it looks good. And I don't feel a little bit phony, the way I always used to, when I was made up, with obvious acne, as if I were somehow pretending it wasn't there (I know, that is definitely a weird train of thought, but remember, I'm nuts).
Because I had not really used makeup so regularly in so long, I had things divided up into ziploc bags: Eye makeup in one, lipsticks and gloss in another, blush in another. It was unwieldy and ugly. And then one day I happened across this at a Goodwill:

What caught my eye (as DC can probably guess) is that it has a very similar logo to It's a Girl Thing's shop sign. But I also loved how feminine it was. And Principessa, it was like a cross between a fairy tale and a trip to Italy. So I bought it, and crossed my fingers that my makeup would fit, because it was kind of petite, not full lunchbox sized. In fact, Principessa is a line of cosmetics, and the box was part of a gift set that had been used up (I research the strangest things). Anyway, here it is, with the makeup put away:

So I am back to wearing makeup again. I still feel like I have a bit of a heavy hand, and tend to wipe a lot of color off my face whenever I put it on. But I don't feel like I am freakish. I am a bit hypo/mixed right now, and I am wondering how long this will last.
But it makes me feel really feminine, in a way it never has in and of itself before now. I still am scared of the Cirque du Soleil look creeping up on me, but I feel better when I am wearing it. Clothes are making me feel more feminine, too. It is funny at 47 I am having this sudden urge to enhance my femininity. Or maybe it is totally not funny, maybe it is to be expected, as one way of confronting the next stage of my life as a woman. I am deep in to peri-menopause. Maybe this is my way of countering aging.
Plus ça change, plus c'est la meme chose....
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