I am not a crafty person. I do not knit. I do not paint. I do not decoupage, or felt, or sew. Not being able to walk for a third of the year even put a real damper on my not that fabulous, but somewhat adventurous cooking. Now it seems as if I am out of practice, and my cooking is even worse than usual. Today's dinner, baked potatoes, hardly counts as cooking.
I am very interested in politics, and have been active in civil rights activism in the past, although not in 2010. I could have made some clever feint saying my political activism in the medical marijuana and decriminalization movements "makes" change, but I found that kind of trick a little too precious.
Finally I remembered something I had at least designed. I kind of have a thing for bumper stickers, but I only like the magnetic kind: I want to be able to stay "current." If the bumper sticker is glued to the trunk, it ain't coming off, and I can't change it.
Plus, I have to have what I consider an original slogan. I was very tickled to see a great bumper sticker in Sunnyvale, "My Tibetan Terrier Is Smarter Than Your Pitbull with Lipstick." At the same time, I was SO annoyed I hadn't thought of it myself. So I really began to look around for something to sloganeer about.
This year, I was very disturbed at what I consider racist attacks against immigrants. I find the whole "anchor baby" scare particularly ludicrous. Then one day, US Representative Gohmert, (R), TX, appeared on the Sunday political news shows to warn about what he considered an imminent threat: Muslims having "anchor babies" in the US, moving back to their sordid little Muslim countries, and then raising tiny jihadists, since all Muslims are terrorists. [I am speaking from his perspective here, I hope I am clear about that; I do not agree with him one tiny bit] BUT! Then we have terrorist Muslim toddlers with US citizenship! S/he can enter and leave the country just like a real person! Horrors. Scream. Faint.
That Sunday, I made up the above bumper sticker slogan. I had it printed on a magnetized strip, in the same colors as the silly "Baby On Board" signs. I still have it on my Prius today.
It is probably time to think about a new slogan.
One thing I do enjoy doing with my hands is restoring furniture. But so far, I have only restored two pieces. I have had a piece disassembled and ready to strip for two years. I am hoping that 2011 is the Year of Refinishing the Small Mission Stand.
As your environmentalist buddy, I could reuse that bumper sticker.